Five baby diet attention in winter

1, winter tonic: a reasonable arrangement of diet, pay attention to the proportion of relations

Chinese medicine believes that yin and yang balance, meridians and dredges, and qi and blood reconciliation are the keys to disease prevention and physical fitness. Therefore, a reasonab

Five principles for watering vegetables in winter greenhouses

The greenhouse vegetable grows slowly and consumes little water in winter, and the phrase “the vegetable in the greenhouse can be watered for a hundred days in winter” was accepted by the farmers. So, in the end, winter greenhouse vegetables need not to be watered. How much wat

Greenhouse vegetable fertilization technology

Greenhouse vegetables have high requirements for fertilization. If fertilization is improper, it will not only lead to soil compaction and cause vegetable damage, but it will also affect nitrate and nitrite levels exceeding the standard. And these two substances have great harm to human he

Hot pot notes

Mistake 1: A hot one

Performance: The hot delicious hot pot will be sent directly to the mouth with a clip, hot tongue, hair, exaggerated hair, exaggerated, and its name: "A hot when the three fresh"

Real injuries: The oral cavity, esophagus, and gastric mucosa ge

Bridge shutter maintenance focus on the support frame

The bridge roller blind belongs to the self-propelled shutter roller blind and is named after its support bar is like a bridge. The support bar of the bridge roller shutter is fixed on the shelf surface of the greenhouse for a long period of time. If the maintenance is not performed in time, t

Female health kidney porridge

As the saying goes, "Ten Men and nine False." Man is easy to kidney, in fact, women also have kidney deficiency. Kidney and human growth and development are closely related to aging, especially for office workers, should pay more attention to kidney, kidney maintenance. Too long

Three methods for effective prevention and cure of cow cold pain

In winter, cold weather occurs when cows are exposed to snow or cold water after serving, or when they feed frozen, degraded grass. Its effective treatment is:

1. Use a 6 to 7 centimeter iron nail or a crude steel needle to penetrate the bull's earrings, leaving the nails to he

How to cure bacterial leaf blight of melon in greenhouse

The disease is a bacterial disease that mainly damages the leaves, petioles, and young melons, and can be harmed throughout the growing period. The cotyledons in the seedling stage showed water-soaked yellow sag spots. The leaves at the early stage of the leaves were light green and immers

Advantages of fermented drowning (drip) feed

Lishui (dip water) refers to the residue of the leftover leftovers for cooking, low in cost, and rich in nutrition. Easy to collect, it is a good raw material for pigs. However, drowning water cannot be directly fed to pigs. This is because: First, drowning water co

Winter cow silage feeding method and matters needing attention

First, feeding method

When feeding, it should be fed less in the early stage, and then gradually increase to sufficient quantity to allow the cow to have an adaptation process. Must not be fed at one time in sufficient quantity, resulting in too much silage in the rumen of the dair

Four key weeks after breeder breeding

One week after breeding

One week after mating is the critical period for egg fertilization and fertilized egg splitting. If the sow is over-saturated at this time, part of the fertilized egg will die, which will reduce the rate of conception. Therefore, sows should not be fed too m