Women's Winter Health Tips

As the saying goes, "Autumn in the autumn and winter," winter has always been a key season for people to pay attention to health. At this time the vegetation is dying, all living things hide and hide, and the night is long. The yang of the human body is also hidden inside with the transformation of the natural world. In winter, health should conform to the laws of nature's obliteration, and the convergence of yin and yang is essential.

What to watch for winter health women

Waist warmth is very important

Even in the snow, there are beauty people wearing a short jacket to go out, this dress, the most affected is the waist and abdomen. To know that the waist is a very important part of the female, the uterus, pelvic cavity in the reproductive system are here, lumbar abdomen cold, it is likely to cause some gynecological problems, but also can affect fertility.

Expert Tip: In winter, try to choose some long sweaters, cotton clothes or down jackets. If you really like the short paragraph, it may wish to add a "belly", now on the market can buy elastic waistband, wear it inside can be warm, but also shape, you can restrain your sitting and walking, keep Abdomen to raise the hips, avoid sinking and long belly.

Health tips, drink cold water in winter

In the cold winter, many people refuse cold food. As everyone knows, drinking cold water in winter is a health care method. If you get up in the morning to drink a glass of cold water, you can help the liver detoxification and kidney wash, promote metabolism and enhance immunity. It also prevents colds, pharyngitis, and some skin diseases. Therefore, female health, drink cold water in winter.

Winter feet

Wear shoes in winter, the soles should not be too thin, because the ground is cold and heavy, too thin soles often can not isolate the cold of the ground, easy to cool the heel. Tip and narrow shoes, easy to squeeze the tip of the toes, the toe's blood circulation is the worst, and then squeezed by the shoes, it is more prone to frostbite.

Expert Tips: The selection of round heads and boots with thick soles in winter is the best way to raise your feet. The snow boots that many girls love now are very good for foot health, comfortable and warm.

In the winter, many crushes are cold and cold. Chinese medicine says this is a lack of kidney qi, and we should give our kidneys a blow. Adhere to your feet every night, soak for 15 minutes to 20 minutes. When you bathe your feet, you heat your ears. Because the kidneys are open to the ears, and the ears have dense reflex zones, which are associated with every organ in the body, so rubbing your ears is a good way to keep your body healthy.

Pay attention to maintaining the lungs

When it is cold, people will have the symptoms of “cough, sputum, and asthma”. This suggests that we need to raise our lungs. In the winter and spring two seasons, it is a good time to raise lungs. It is recommended to eat more foods to raise the lungs, eat more food such as sesame seeds, walnuts, fresh oysters, pears, honey (honey food), white fungus, green beans and so on, which will play the role of nourishing the lungs and nourishing the lungs.

Prevent winter dangerous diseases

When the human body is in the winter, the metabolism will slow down and the immunity will be reduced, so we must prevent respiratory diseases and colds. Pay attention to some ways to prevent respiratory diseases and colds and protect yourself. Prepare first-aid medicines at home to prevent yourself from time to time.

Keep exercising and drink plenty of water

When the weather is cold, we should pay more attention to exercise. Only by insisting on exercising will our body's immunity improve. If you insist on doing more than half an hour of exercise every day, your body will become healthier and your body will become more beautiful. Although we sweat during the winter will be reduced, but the normal operation of the brain and body organs cells also need sufficient water, so drink at least 2000 to 3000 ml of water every day.

Don't forget to raise kidney

Kidney is very important. Chinese medicine believes that the kidney is the foundation of life and the source of life. A person's kidney function can be strong, can adjust the body to adapt to changes in the winter, to prevent the body from disease. Therefore, the focus of winter health is kidney maintenance. Eating mutton duck meat in winter has an effect on kidney maintenance. It is recommended to eat it for you.

Get up early and get up late to stay happy

In the cold winter, you should go to bed early and get up late, sleep early to raise yang, keep the warm body, and the sun comes out to get up again. The high concentration of negative ions in the air is very beneficial to the human body. People always have a good mood, people feel good, and their immunity improves. Therefore, always keep yourself happy.

Five taboos for women's winter health

1. Beautiful “frozen” people are harmful to health Many women who love beauty even like to wear short skirts or shorts in the winter, or because they are afraid of appearing bloated, just wear a thin layer of shirts to maintain their posture. However, from the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine health sciences, winter is mainly “hidden”, and body skin is spared from being exposed to the outside world. Although beauty is the nature of young women, even if they love beauty, they should not sacrifice health.

2, do not lose weight in the winter beauty girls, all year round want to lose weight. In fact, whether it is dieting, exercise or drug diuresis, weight loss methods consume a lot of calories and lose weight in a short period of time. This is in the category of "discharge" in Chinese medicine and is not suitable for winter practice. In nature, bears know how to eat plump in the winter to make a smooth winter. The so-called survival of the fittest means that living organisms can adapt themselves to nature, but can humans not do it?

3, do not stay up late for a long time in the winter night, the time is short in the daytime. People should also conform to nature and increase their sleep time before they can make up for the yin and yang. In fact, winter night and night damage is greater than usual, it is best to try not to sleep late.

4, survived the "cold" fitness winter swimming, cold bath, it sounds very healthy. However, from the perspective of Chinese medicine, it is not really suitable for women. Dr. Fan Yupeng said that most women in modern times have fast pace, high pressure, and irregular postures, and their physical fitness is mainly partial, and winter swimming is not particularly suitable. In fact, whether it is winter swimming or taking a cold shower, it looks like a way to exercise the body. In fact, the body needs to consume a lot of yang to resist the cold. This is particularly inappropriate for women who are physically weak. If long-term "cold" fitness methods are used, even some internal medicine and gynecological diseases are easily caused. Therefore, it is the only way to keep warm in the winter.

5, do not make too much sports exercise beneficial to the body, but if you look from the health point of view, in the winter do not do too much intense, sweating too much exercise. Chinese medicine believes that sweat belongs to the category of "strengthening body fluids." After intense exercise, the pores open, and the yang gas leaks out with sweat, which can easily result in the format of "air, blood, and two injuries." In the winter season, “sealing” is the principle, and it is a season that requires “preservation of strength”. When yang is leaked and body fluids are damaged, symptoms such as fatigue, cold, dizziness, and cold hands and feet may easily appear.

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