How to increase the conception rate of the sow?

1 Guaranteed semen quality

1.1 Grasp the feeding and management of breeding boars

The boars must be fed special feed for boars and fed twice a day, feeding 2.5-3 kg per head per day, 1 egg, and 2-3 kg of green feed per day. The temperature of the boar can not exceed 28oC (a

Little ox eats plastic bags

The first thing to do is to see how much the calf eats into the plastic bag. If only a small amount is eaten, give the calf 500 to 1000 ml of paraffin oil to allow the bowel to excrete. If the amount of ingestion is large, it must be removed by surgery. After being eaten by the calf, the plast

Management based on the characteristics of ducks

In the brooding ducklings, the first week old Schering temperature should reach 30°C or more, then decrease with the age, and then decrease day by day. By 15th birthday, the temperature can drop to about 20°C and be constant until slaughter.

Freshly hatched broiler ducks have

Transplanting in Buds Improves the Survival Rate of Jujube

The jujube planted in spring should not be too early. According to the experiment, the survival rate of jujube seedlings during the germination stage is the highest, which can reach more than 90%. During transplanting, the sap has begun to flow and the tree body has begun to grow. The inju

Forecast: The world dairy export market will rise in 2012

Despite the financial crisis in Europe and the uncertainties in the US dairy policy, dairy experts analyzed that the world dairy market in 2012 will be optimistic and may even rise. Marc Beck, vice president of marketing for the US Dairy Export Association, an

Roll leaf disease prevention under different causes of tomato

Virus infected leaf roll

Symptoms of tomato plants infected with fern leaf viral disease are different degrees of dwarfing, and all or part of the leaves appear upwardly curled from the top to the bottom.

Treatment measures: Spray 25% Aktai water dispersible granules 2500-5

What should I eat in the spring?

Spring Alert Five Foods Induced Poisoning Nine Skills for Spring Diets for Women Weight Loss Tips for Spring Health Recommended: A year-long plan for nourishing the liver is spring. In our country's medical science, it is believed that "the rejuvenation of all herbs and the onset

Cold Spring Curry is both warm and slim

Faced with the cold of the past few days, the seasons changed, many friends did not know how to eat better, light food was not enough to keep warm, greasy foods worried about fat increase, too much spicy food and worried about getting angry, I give everyone Recommend a condiment, curry.

"Ben San" woman anti-wrinkle food collecting

In the modern era, fruits, vegetables and other various plants are increasingly changing traditional cosmetic methods. They are becoming one of the important ingredients of special effects skin care products. They protect our skin from environmental toxins, resist bacterial infections, and

About the working principle of the suction machine

The adjustment function is realized by an axial movement similar to a piston-like cylinder in the valve chamber, and its stroke is consistent with the direction of water flow in the tube. The water flows from the axial arc into the outer casing, and the flow passage in the piston valve is axisy