Greenhouse five vegetables efficient planting mode

Greenhouse tomato, sponge gourd, Chinese cabbage, lettuce, and celery can be planted efficiently in the mouth: tomato in early December, planted in mid-to-late February, harvested from early May to early July, loofah to be sowed in mid-February, and planted in mid-March, 6 Harvested from the beginning of the month to mid-September; the cabbage was sown in mid-July and harvested in mid-August; the lettuce was planted in the middle and early August; the planting took place from the end of August to the beginning of September, and harvested in mid-October; the celery was sowed in the middle and late July and was planted by the end of October. Harvested from January to March of the following year.


(1) Variety selection Early and mid-maturity, disease-resistant and low-temperature resistant varieties were selected.

(2) Nursery uses greenhouse + small shed cooling bed nursery. At the end of December, use 1010 cm nutrients to divide the seedlings. Once the plant grows to 3 leaves and 1 heart, use 75 mg/l paclobutrazol to spray once. The seedling height should be controlled at 30. Centimeters below. In the latter part of the year, if the air temperature is high and it is easy to grow, it can be controlled by moving and lightly controlling the water.

(3) Cultivation Management In the middle and late of January, the base fertilizer should be applied adequately, and the soil preparation should be done. The height of the alfalfa is 20 cm, the width of the alfalfa is 60 cm, and the width of the alfalfa is 40 cm. In mid-to-late February, the planting distance is 40 (27~30) centimeters. For convenient management, the shed is generally no longer covered with a small shed. The shed can be released within 3 days, and the amount of wind protection can be increased in mid-March. 4 The removal of the shed film at the beginning of the month was too late to control the temperature inside the shed because of the high temperature outside, resulting in plant growth and poor inflorescence development. Pay attention to timely tying of branches, using single stalks and pruning, flowering with 30 mg / l anti-dropping spray, each inflorescence only processed once, sit 3 layers of fruit and leave 2 leaves to pick the top. The first layer of fruit enlargement to the size of the egg immediately after the top dressing, combined with disease prevention with 0.5% urea + 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution foliar spray fertilizer. When the first layer of fruit begins to turn color, fruit can be harvested earlier with 2000 mg/l ethephon.

(4) Pest control The common pests include bacterial wilt, gray mold, early blight, virus disease, and cotton bollworm.


(1) The middle and late-maturing varieties were selected for the variety selection.

(2) Nursery uses greenhouse + shed cover + nutrition seedlings.

(3) Cultivation Management In the middle of March, the loofah seedlings were planted in the greenhouse at the foot of the shed, two rows per shed, and the plant spacing was about 1.5 meters. Attention should be paid to timely introduction of vines so that the guava spread evenly on the shelf surface and the side below 1 meter. All the vines were wiped off. After 1 meter above the female flowers, the leaves were plucked. After the harvest, they were cut off along with the loofah at the base of the lateral vines. After the harvest, the cultivars were cultivated once, and the tomato stalks were spread on the loofah, followed by top-dressing of the diluted manure water, and then the top dressing was applied once every 2 to 3 times.

(4) Pest control The common pests include downy mildew, yellow squash, and melon pods.

Chinese cabbage

After the tomato has been hauled, the loquat blocks except loofahs shall be ploughed in time, and 75 to 100 kg of lime shall be applied per acre, 2000 kg of organic fertilizer shall be decomposed, 20 kg of compound fertilizer shall be selected, and the heat-resistant cabbage species shall be selected for live broadcast, after 8~10 days of sowing. Applying 1% to 2% urea once can be harvested in 25 to 30 days.


(1) Select the heat-resistant varieties of varieties.

(2) Seedlings soaked for about 12 hours after the low-temperature treatment of the refrigerator and freezer, pay attention to moisturizing, rinse with water 1 to 2 times a day, 50% of the seeds germinate in time under the loofah shed.

(3) Cultivation Management After harvesting Chinese cabbage, 75 to 100 kg of raw lime per acre, 2500 kg of organic fertilizer, 20 kg of urea, 20 kg of compound fertilizer, and soil preparation, 1 meter wide, and 20 cm wide. According to the row spacing 2520 cm colonization, pouring enough rooting water, every 3 to 4 days with 1% to 2% urea or human waste water fertilizer 1 times, do light fertilizer ground facilities, available 7 to 10 days before harvest 25 mg/litre of gibberellin spray increased yield.

(4) Pest control The common pests include downy mildew, sclerotia, and Spodoptera litura. They should be used for rotation and timely prevention and treatment.


(1) Select the United States Gao You it, Bailey or Ventura.

(2) Seedlings Seeds are first soaked in fresh water for 24 hours, rinsed with fresh water twice, then wrapped in clean wet gauze, placed in a refrigerator freezer for 3 to 5 days, and rinsed once a day. When 50% of seeds germinate, they should be sown on the seedbed reserved under the shed. If the sunlight is strong and the temperature is high, shade nets can be covered. Each morning and evening, the cool water is poured 1 times to cool and moisturize. The amount of water to keep the bed and soil moist is appropriate. . Every 1~10 days, topdressing 1 human fecal urine with thin decomposing, when the seedlings grow to 3 leaves and 1 heart, the seedlings are planted and the seedlings are planted at a distance of 6 cm. Each mu of field requires artificial bed 18 to 20 square meters.

(3) Cultivation Management After harvesting the lettuce, timely tillage and drying of soil, until the dry stalks of the soil are applied, 100 kg of lime per acre, 4,500 kg of decomposed organic fertilizer, 25 kg of compound fertilizer, soil preparation, 1 meter wide. The sulcus depth is 20 cm. Plants are planted at a spacing of 20 cm and 25 cm per plant. After survival, they are topped with 1 seedling fertilizer. Generally, 700 kg of human fecal urine is applied per mu. After the second half of every month, 700 kg of urine + 150 g of borax + 10 kg of superphosphate are topdressed once, combined with cultivating and weeding to eliminate indistinguishable tillage, and the soil is kept moist during the whole growth period. A single application of gibberellin at a concentration of 100 mg/l was sprayed 30 days and 15 days prior to harvest to increase yield and improve variety. Due to poor cold resistance of celery, plants will be frozen at -3°C. In general, the greenhouse should be covered in mid-November.

(4) Diseases and Insect Pests Control The major diseases during the seedling stage are blight and damping-off, which often results in the death of seedlings. After onset, 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder can be sprayed 100 times, or copper ammonium complex 400 times liquid. Other major pests and diseases include soft rot, sclerotinia, viral diseases, leaf spot, and aphids. Attention should be paid to timely prevention and control.

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