There are ways to manage vegetables

Timely sowing: new land, good varieties, timely sowing, planting and applying base fertilizer, irrigating the water, after subterranean seeding, spraying the surface of new high-fat membrane soil, water repellent evaporation, sunscreen drought, insulation and antifreeze, soil layer Compacting, suffocating and isolating pests and diseases increase the rate of emergence.

Cultivate strong seedlings and timely value setting: Cultivating strong seedlings is the key to high yield and quality of big green vegetables. When the first true leaves appear in the seedlings, the seedlings should be removed quickly, the leaves must be large, the seedlings must be high, the diseased seedlings, and the weak seedlings must be removed. Variety of seedlings, new high fat film sprayed on the surface of plants, can prevent the invasion of bacteria, improve the ability of anti-natural disasters, increase the intensity of photosynthesis, protect seedlings thrive.

Watering, fertilizing, and preventing pests and diseases: timely watering to keep the soil moist, large vegetables need large amounts of fertilizer, basic fertilizer requirements are high, during the growth period but also top-dressing, grasp the principle of early light, medium and heavy, late filling. Aphids are the major mediators of viral diseases in Chinese cabbage. Spraying targeted drugs with new high-fat lipid membranes greatly increases the utilization of effective components of pesticides and fertilizers.

Growth period: the growth process is particularly important to prevent the growth of too small leaves caused by the growth of thick stems plant stems thick, leaf hypertrophy, fresh leaves, plants lush, natural taste. At the same time, it can increase the ability to resist disasters, reduce the amount of pesticides and fertilizers, and reduce residual poisons. (Chongqing Teachers College according to the wind)

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