Papaya variety of eating and therapeutic effects

Papaya contains a variety of minerals and vitamins. Papaya can also enhance the body's resistance, flu patients are also more suitable to eat papaya. The following are prescriptions and methods of folk papaya treatment of disease and share with you, for reference only:

Papaya porridge

With papaya 30 grams, 100 grams of rice, into the water, simmer until the rice rotten porridge cooked, add brown sugar, a little boiled dissolve instant, daily morning and evening service, and even served a few days, can cure leg cramps, beriberi edema.

Papaya soup

Take papaya tablets 100 grams, 300 milliliters of honey, 2 grams of ginger, add water, a total of boiled, change the simmer and cook for 10 minutes, eat melon soup, attending psoriasis.

Papaya milk

Take a large slice of papaya into several small pieces, and then prepare half a cup of milk, add a total of juice, then add a small amount of water, honey, stir well into the papaya milk, dressed in uniform can be beautiful face, digestion and weight loss.


100 grams of papaya, white fungus 15 grams, 10 grams of North apricot, ginkgo 12 grams, crystal sugar, a total of 20 minutes into the pot stew, you can eat, can Yin and lungs, moisturize the skin, anti-aging, you can also treat hot cough, Dry cough without sputum, sputum with blood embolism.

Papaya honey

4 papayas, steamed and smashed into mud, mixed with 1,000 grams of white sand honey, and evenly loaded inside the tank, served with boiled water, each time 1 ~ 2 spoons, 3 times a day, can treat joint pain.

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