About the control technology of yellow skin anthrax

Yellow skin anthrax is a common disease in the production of yellow skin, can be susceptible to all growth stages, resulting in leaf spots, leaf rot, bald branches, fruit rot, etc., affect the yield and fruit quality.

First, the symptoms

1 Leaf spot. The center and edges of the leaves will be affected. The lesions are round or semicircular, with a diameter of 2-12 mm. The lesions can be connected to each other, gray and white, and the edge is water-stained. The diseased and healthy parts are distinct.

2 leaf rot. Lesions usually start at the tips of leaves and leaves, appear brown rot, the disease department expands quickly, there is no obvious boundary between disease and health, 5-7 days can lead to the rot of the whole leaf; the petiole victims suffer browning, and it is easy to cause separation and lead to The leaves fall early and cause bald branches.

3 branches withered. After the onset of shoot damage, the diseased part became brown and necrotic.

4 fruit rot. Anthrax is one of the main causes of fruit rot. The incidence of lighter young fruit is generally more mature. On the fruit, water-stained brown spots began to appear. Afterwards, they gradually expanded into round lesions, showing a brownish rot, and a dense orange-red viscous spore on the surface.

Second, pathogens and conditions

Anthracnose of the yellow skin is caused by a small round schizophyllan of the genus Cassia. The pathogens mainly overwintered with mycelia on diseased leaves, diseased branches and diseased fruits. When the environment was suitable in the spring of the following year, the spores of the pathogens were spread by wind and rain or insects, and they invaded the wounds and stomata on the surface of the host tissues. The disease can occur during the entire growth period of the yellow skin, and it usually occurs more frequently in the summer shoots, flower and fruit stages, and autumn shoots.

The suitable temperature for the growth of bacteria is 21-28°C. Therefore, it is generally easy to induce the disease in hot and humid weather conditions.

The occurrence of anthrax is closely related to the cultivation and management, extensive cultivation and management, lack of water and fertilizer, or partial application of chemical nitrogen fertilizer, the tree vigor is weak, and the incidence is heavier. Orchard soil conditions are also one of the causes of induced disease: soil too heavy, or too loose, poor water retention and conservation of orchards, diseases are also prone to occur. Anthracnose pathogens have latent infestation characteristics, so in case of typhoon rain in fruit collection season, it will promote the rapid spread of pathogenic bacteria that have been infested, causing a large area of ​​fruit disease to occur, resulting in a lot of rotten fruit and affecting yield.

Third, control methods

1 scientific use of fertilizer water, enhance tree vigor, improve plant disease resistance, prevent bacteria infection.
2 Do a good job in idyllic cleansing, cut off diseased leaves and diseased leaves in time, deal with rotten fruit, and reduce overwintering pathogens.

3 Apply pesticides in time to protect new shoots and young fruit. The shoots should be promptly applied at the early stage of hair growth and fruit and fruit setting period. The agent may use 70% thiophanate WP 800-1000 times, or 50% TUFE 500-600 times, or 75% chlorothalonil 700-1000 times, or 50% carbendazim WP 500 Double fluid.

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