Three methods for collecting seedlings of Astragalus

The artificial propagation technology of Astragalus has not been solved. The yellow seedlings must be collected from natural seedlings. The methods are:
First, the collection of fertilized eggs from May to August is the spawning period of Astragalus. Most of oviposition spawning occurs at

Lilium herbaceous flower seeds harvested and preserved

[Other middle names] fungus, soft ginger, rattan, and rouge bean [genus] fall Kwai branch fall lily [origin] Asia tropical region [plant characteristics] Luku is a perennial herb. The vines are as long as 3 to 4 meters. Seeds are born in dark purple ovate or spherical berries. Nearly spherical

Smoke during engine operation and solutions

After the tractor has been driving for a certain period of time, due to overloaded, over-speed transport, improper use of engine parts, exhaust pipe carbon deposition, etc., resulting in the engine running black smoke, blue smoke, white smoke phenomenon. As the fuel consumption rate increa

Artichoke - Steamed bread - Asparagus multiplication technology

According to the analysis of practical experience and economic benefits in the past two years in Hebei Province, there are promising techniques for harvesting vegetables from Yangu-Shantou-Asparagus three times a year. In the first ten days of each year, we use plastic film to cultivate ar

Six Ways to Raise Hair on Rabbits

First, with wine, ginger, and urge the hair every 3d, with 1 tablespoon of liquor and a small amount of ginger and mix thoroughly rubbed the rabbit body (can not rub to the rabbit's eyes), make the rabbit hair dense and homogeneous, shearing time ahead of time 5d.
Second, with leek an

Five taboos for feeding chicken with bean cake

The bean cake contains more than 10% of crude protein, which is an important protein feed for livestock and poultry, but there are five taboos for using the bean cake to feed chickens:
1, avoid raw feed: bean cake contains trypsin inhibitor and hemagglutinin and other harmful substances.

Konjac's storage and freshness management methods

The devil is also known as "??", "head", "ghost head", "head", "snak", "snacker", "grass head grass", "flower pole", "black head" or "paralysis." It is the Araceae, Amorphophallus, perennial her

Winter shed disinfection before sowing

Greenhouses are strictly sterilized before sowing, which can effectively reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases. There are three ways to disinfect:

High-temperature disinfection: During the high temperature period, the shed film is affixed, and the shed is sealed in all places

Commonly used fertilizer properties and application techniques

The author conducted long-term investigations into the countryside and found that farmers had some misunderstandings in fertilizer application. In order to help farmers make good use of fertilizers and fertilize their fertilizers, the properties and application techniques of several commonly u

Preservation and Storage Technology of Banana Fruit

1. Harvest maturity of banana fruit The maturity of banana fruit production is generally assessed by visually observing the sharp, blunt, round and other shapes of the edge of the fruit bunch in the middle of the fruit string. The maturity of banana harvest should generally be more than 70%. <

About Raspberry Planting Management Skills

First, how to renovate the raspberry land?
1. Plant raspberries using old mountain orchards or agricultural wasteland. The walls of the mantle are to be repaired before being leveled.
2. Clear all kinds of remaining fruit trees in the garden and thoroughly remove roots, weeds, and ex