Three methods for collecting seedlings of Astragalus

The artificial propagation technology of Astragalus has not been solved. The yellow seedlings must be collected from natural seedlings. The methods are:
First, the collection of fertilized eggs from May to August is the spawning period of Astragalus. Most of oviposition spawning occurs at night or early in the morning after a thunderstorm. At the time of spawning, pro-spawning first makes a hole and spit bubbles to form a nest. Then eggs are laid in a bubble, spawning from one hundred to several hundred grains. The egg diameter is about 4mm, the egg membrane is translucent, the yolk is light yellow, and there are oil balls inside. After the spawning, if there is water and grass, and there is no strong wind, the foam can be kept until the seedlings come out of the membrane; in case of heavy rain, the eggs will sink near the bottom of the cave. The quail eggs were collected with a small camera net made of gauze, and then the pots were placed in pots, placed in indoor hatcheries, changed once a day, and half a basin of water was placed per 100 eggs. 6 to 7 days, the seedlings gradually emerged from the membrane, and they began to eat 5 to 7 days after they came out of the membrane. At this time, they need to expand the containers and feed some zooplankton, such as chironomid larvae or silkworms, for feed. When the seedlings grow to 3 cm, they will be transferred to Seedling cultivation. The seedling pond is a cement pond of 2-5m2. The depth of the pond is 50-60cm, the depth of water is 20-30cm, and the bottom of the pond is paved with lO-20cm thick mud, plus appropriate amount of organic fertilizer to cultivate plankton. After the seedlings enter the pond, silkworms and fly larvae are fed as feed. The seedling ponds in the high temperature season should be properly shaded and the pool water should be replaced frequently. When the seedlings grow to about 20g in the second year, they are transferred to breeding ponds.
Second, collecting seedlings in the natural conditions of newly hatched seedlings gathered together, showing a dark mass, gauze nets collected after the release of seedlings pond cultivation. Fresh starter seedlings that have begun to be dispersed can be mixed with cow dung and mud to form manure cakes. They can be placed in water, inserted with markers, and silkworms can be raised. The seedlings will be drilled into manure cakes for feeding, and they will be collected with a web. Miao people pool cultivation.
Three, cage trapping species from April to October in paddy fields and shallow water ditches, trapped with quail cages, cages placed Rice cakes and rice balls kneaded into rice balls, yellow cricket cages for food, can not get in and out, dawn harvest cage Yellow sorghum can be selected for selection. Feeding species must master its breeding habits. Astragalus has sexual reversal characteristics. During embryonic development, the right gonad degenerates, and the left gonad develops into an ovary. After gonads, this gonad reverts to a testis and does not later revert to the ovary. Generally within 30cm in length, all females. Males with a body length of 46cm or more are basically male. Breeding 5:1 male and female ratio. The kind of pond is the same as that of commercial breeding ponds. The rectangle is preferable, the depth is 1m, the bottom layer is 30-40cm, the depth is 10-20cm, the bottom of the pool is bricked, the cement is wiped off, and there is a drain. The wall of the pool rises above the ground to prevent pools of rainwater. The wall stretches 5cm to the inside of the pool to prevent the yellow locust from fleeing. Grapes and loofah are shaded in the pool during the summer. The hatching is done when the eggs are laid for the second year.

The noodles are a kind of fine facial hair, white and tough, and resistant to cooking and cooking. They are round and thin, and also wide and flat. The main varieties are ordinary noodles, flower noodles, handmade noodles, etc. The varieties are divided into egg noodles, tomato noodles, spinach noodles, carrot noodles, kelp noodles, lysine noodles and so on. At present, the noodles have formed a pattern of common development such as staple food, flavor, nutrition and health care. The noodles are one of the main pastas that people love because of their good taste, convenient consumption, low price and easy storage.
The noodle is made by adding salt, alkali and water to the wheat flour and drying it to make a certain length of dry noodles.
The noodles are made of refined flour, contain no preservatives and additives, and the noodles are made of refined flour. The reason why the noodles can be stored for a long time is because it has a process of drying and dehydration, no moisture, and the storage time is naturally long. However, the color of the abnormally empty noodles is not good. According to the quality supervision and inspection of the noodle products organized by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, it is found that the white noodles are actually added with a whitening agent called benzoyl peroxide. According to the "Sanitary Standards for the Use of Food Additives", the content should not exceed 0.06g/kg, otherwise it will damage human health.

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