Prevention and Cure Techniques of Yellow Stripe of Vegetable Heart

The larvae live in the soil and eat food at the roots, and the adult worms damage the leaves on the ground. The body surface of the adult has a hard coleopteron, the general agent is not easy to penetrate, and such insects fly and jump.
Prevention: larvae can be used 50% phoxim EC 1500 ti

Pig raises nine strokes in midsummer

During the summer, the pigs are warm-blooded animals. The pigs are thick and the sweat glands are underdeveloped. Therefore, the pigs can easily fall out of heat, stagnation, and even death from heat stroke in order to resist heat. Therefore, raising pigs in summer must be stepped up to preven

Common Diseases and Treatments of Tomatoes

Several diseases that often occur during the growth of tomatoes include late blight, early blight, powdery mildew, gray mold, and grey leaf spot.
I. Late blight Late blight is a kind of sexual disease with low temperature and high temperatures. It is easy to prevail in the season when the

Strengthen the management of cotton seedlings

Cotton seedlings should do a good job in the management of seedbeds centered on the principle of “competition for seedlings, conservation of seedlings, and breeding of healthy seedlings”.

Timely filling of seedlings due to low seed germination rate, no emergence after 1

Tips for raising a good pig in summer

In summer, when the weather is getting hot, the pigs' feeding and management must be adjusted. Here are some good methods, such as using green bean soup to relieve the heat, but consider the economic benefits. It is recommended that small-scale farms can try, especially when they can b

Guidelines for Scientific Fertilization for Main Crops in Summer 2011

The expert group of Soil Testing, Fertilization and Formula Fertilization of the Ministry of Agriculture formulated the “Guidelines for the Scientific Fertilization of Main Crops in the Summer of 2011” based on the characteristics of fertilizer requirements for major crops in the s

Grape Scissors Notes

1 wipe buds. In early summer, all buds and buds sprouting next to the main grape bud are erased in time.
2 thin branches. After the new branch erupts, it should be removed in time according to the strength of the growth and the order of the inflorescence.
3 hit sub shoots. Except lea

Sick seedling appearance identification method

In the current nursery stock market, some individual flower and wood traders often use the spurious seedlings that are commonly used to sell them as healthy seedlings. Those who lack the ability to identify diseases and diseases are easily deceived. The identification methods for the appearanc

Correct use of colored agricultural film

First, black film. Serious weeds or high-temperature season cultivation of summer radish, cabbage, spinach, autumn cucumbers, late tomatoes, the choice of black film is better.
Second, the purple membrane. The film is mainly suitable for the cultivation of solanaceous and green leafy vege