How to Improve the Transplanting Survival Rate of Jujube Buds in Spring

Spring and autumn can be planted, but mainly planted in spring. Jujube saplings are mostly grown from the lateral roots of old trees and have fewer fibrous roots. Therefore, jujube transplant is not easy to survive. The jujube planted in spring should not be too early. According to the exp

How to Protect Seedlings from Frozen Damage

There are many reasons for the freezing damage of seedlings. We need to determine the causes of freezing injury of seedlings based on different tree species.

1 Relationship between Frost Resistance and Tree Species and Variety

Its frost resistance is not the same. Such as c

Rabbits in early spring skillfully used materials

First, control sugar. The relatively lack of feed in winter and spring, the breeding households often use more concentrate feed rabbits, such as corn, melon, wheat, etc., this approach is unscientific. Concentrate contains many sugars (starch), excessive concentration of sugar in the rabbi

Non-polluted grass carp market

The production of healthy, high-quality, pollution-free large-scale grass carp is the development direction of grass carp breeding in China. In recent years, the pond in the breeding base of the Coastal Development Zone of Binhai City, Jiangsu Province, has cultivated 230 mu of grass carp.

How to maintain and repair the three-legged centrifuge

Maintenance and overhaul of three-legged stainless steel centrifuge 1. The centrifuge should be inspected regularly to ensure that the functions and important parts and safety protection measures of th