How to Improve the Transplanting Survival Rate of Jujube Buds in Spring

Spring and autumn can be planted, but mainly planted in spring. Jujube saplings are mostly grown from the lateral roots of old trees and have fewer fibrous roots. Therefore, jujube transplant is not easy to survive. The jujube planted in spring should not be too early. According to the experiment, the survival rate of jujube seedlings during the germination stage is the highest, which can reach more than 90%. The rooting of the fruit tree requires a higher temperature for germination. If the spring is planted too early, the trunk will lose too much water, affecting the survival rate. During transplanting, the sap has begun to flow and the tree body has begun to grow. The injured root system is easy to recover. The underground nutrition can be transported to the ground in time and it is easy to survive. Pay attention to the following points when transplanting:

1. When the jujube bud is exposed at 1 cm, the transplanting is best done without touching the roots and the jujube shoots. It is best to wrap the root system with a plastic sheet to prevent the sun from shining and rub against the root bark.

2. The jujube seedlings that are transplanted once a day before transplanting to jujube seedlings should be robust and the root should be more than 20 cm, and should bring as many fibrous roots as possible. Cut rot and roots before cutting to minimize wound area, then use 0.005% to 0.01% naphthalene acetic acid to soak the roots with 0.2% ABT rooting agent for 5 to 6 hours. Remove the turbid roots after transplanting. The potassium element can increase root resistance, activate enzyme activity in roots, and thus facilitate rooting).

3. At least 70 cm of digging pits must be digged. After the water seeps, it is piled or covered in earth. For viscous soils, sand or ash can be leached around the roots when planting to increase soil permeability. The orientation of the tree after transplantation is the same as that before transplanting.

In addition, when transplanting, put a handful of millet in the excavated tree pit, can improve the survival rate of jujube. Because the millet germinates in the tree pit, it can hold the root of the jujube tightly and reduce the shaking of the trunk, which is conducive to the growth and development of new roots. At the same time, the buds can be used as a nutrient for the growth and development of new roots of jujube trees.

Wand Massager

Spice Novelties Co.,Limited ,