Winter green onion cultivation

(1) sowing seedlings. The green onion seedlings need to be flat and fertile, with convenient drainage and irrigation, and deep loam soil. The cornices should be planted in a rotation field that has not been planted within 3 years. Scallion seedlings have a long period of time. Generally, 250,000 to 3,000 kilograms of organic fertilizer or soil miscellaneous fertilizer is applied per acre. When conditions permit, 25 kg superphosphate can be added; when the underground pests are serious, poisonous valleys can be used for prevention and treatment. Onion seedlings suitable for the effective growth time is 80 to 90 days, the general frost-free period in more than 200 days for spring sowing, the Yangtze River Valley in general from early February to early February sowing. Use 1 to 1.5 kilograms per acre of land, usually with dry seeds for spreading or drilling. Spreading is to sow a layer of fine soil on the sowing hoe to cover the soil, fill it with water, then sprinkle the seeds evenly and then cover the soil 1 to 1.5 centimeters thick. Drilling is the shallow ditch with a depth of 1.5 to 2 centimeters, which is about 15 centimeters apart. The seeds are sown in the ditch, and the shading is done in the ditch. Spring sowing seedlings, to keep the soil moist when emerging, in order to facilitate the emergence of seedlings. Watering the seedlings in time, controlling the watering of the three true leaves and promoting root development. After 3 leaf stage, sufficient water and fertilizer are used to accelerate seedling growth. When onion seedlings are 50 centimeters high, 8 to 9 leaves, and 10 to 15 days before planting, watering should be stopped and the seedlings should be trained so that the leaves are old and the pseudo-stems are firm so as to facilitate transplanting. Per mu of onion shoots can be planted 5 to 8 acres of area.
(2) Colonization. The on-planting period of welsh onions is not strict, and the Yangtze River basin is generally planted in the middle to late May to early June. Before planting green onions, grain fields and vegetable fields that have not been planted with onion and garlic crops within 3 years are suitable. The site should be selected for high dryness, deep soil, convenient irrigation and drainage, and fertility of land. Before planting, sufficient 5,000-7,000 kg of organic fertilizer is applied per acre; planting period is close to the rainy season, and cultivating onion land does not require ploughing too deeply. Because the soil is loose, it is easy to collapse the ditch when planting the ditch, and easy to accumulate water. seedling. When welsh onions are planted, the spacing is generally 5-6 cm x 50-55 cm, and 22,000-24,000 plants per mu. Digging ditch depth 8 to 10 cm, digging north and south towards the ditch, along the steeper side of the ditch wall placed onion shoots according to the plant spacing, onion roots pressed into the ditch in the loose soil, and then take the earth from the other side of the ditch, Buried in the green leaves outside the decentralized office, with solid down, and then ditch watering. The planting depth of welsh onion seedlings must be based on the principles of unequal alignment, that is, the onion seedlings and leaves should be 7 to 10 cm above the ditch.
(3) Field management. After welsh onion colonization, the easing seedling period ends in the summer rainy season. At this time, its ability to withstand high temperature and early age is much stronger than that of waterlogging resistance. Therefore, in this period, it is better not to water, water is discharged in time after rain, and no water is allowed. Let the root system update quickly and the plants turn green. During the slow summer, the seedlings are not watered or top-dressed, only shallow cultivators, more loose soil, and timely weeding to improve the ventilation of the soil. As the plants grow, loosen soil immediately after each rainfall or after watering. After the beginning of autumn, the weather gradually cools, the temperature difference between day and night increases, the plant grows faster, and light blue begins to grow longer. Light blue stretches are carried out throughout the growing season. At this point need to topdressing, chase 2,000 kg of farmyard fertilizer per acre, spread on the ridge back, and then apply 10 kg of urea, shallow dumpling 1 times, the farmyard manure and urea into the ditch, and then pour a water to promote its growth. After the summer heat has entered the period of growth of tubular leaves, to recover fast-acting nitrogen and potassium fertilizer, spreading 15 kg of urea per mu, adding 20 kg of potassium sulfate, broken ridge earth. In September, light blue began to grow boldly. Still need to chase application of available nitrogen and potassium fertilizer, the method is the same as above. After the topdressing, the soil is cultivated, and the height of the soil requires that no heart be buried. As the plant grows, the soil is cultivated again for the second time, and the soil is usually 3-5 times. Between the beginning of autumn and the day of white dew, watering should be carried out in the morning and in the evening, and should be lightly poured. After the white dew to the autumn equinox, the amount of watering should be large, and the soil should be kept moist to meet the needs of light green growth. Afterwards, water is poured once every 6 to 7 days, and the water is poured thoroughly. Between the two waterings, the ground is not dry. When there is sufficient moisture, the leaves are dark in color, and the wax powder is thick. The leaves are full of colorless and transparent mucilage. It is a well-hydrated performance. Light blue also appears white and shiny.

Compacted Oxygen Cylinder Filling System

ETR Oxygen Cylinder Filling System is consisted of the air compressor, air-water separation device, refrigerated air dryer, air dew point monitoring device, multi-stage filter, air buffer tank, air moisture monitoring device, Oxygen Generator, oxygen buffer tank, flow meter, online oxygen monitoring device, oxygen booster and cylinder filling station, smart electric control cabinet, computer monitoring system, remote network monitoring system..

For the compacted Oxygen Cylinder Filling system, all the parts can be compacted together and skid mounted. So it is easy for the installation and operation and maintenance. 


Compacted Oxygen Cylinder Filling System

Compacted Oxygen Cylinder Filling System,Oxygen Filling Plant,Oxygen Filling Station ,Oxygen Filling Machine

Hunan Eter Electronic Medical Project Stock Co., Ltd. ,