Early spring vegetable seedbed disease prevention

There are many diseases in the nursery bed, such as damping-off disease, blight, gray mold, anthrax, and wilt disease. The control methods are:
I. Seed Disinfection Soaking seeds with warm water of 55 degrees for 15 minutes can kill germs attached to the surface of seeds and act as germination. For damping-off disease, tomato early blight, and eggplant brown leaf disease, formalin 100-fold liquid soaking can be used for 10 to 15 minutes and then rinsed with water, dried and sown. The anthrax can be soaked in 100-fold solution of copper sulfate for 5 minutes.
Second, bed soil disinfection with 70% pentachloronitrobenzene powder and 65% zein zinc WP or thiram WP can be mixed in equal amounts, 8-9 grams per square meter seedbed medication, and then with 15 kg of dry fine soil Mix well and cover soil. It is also possible to use 5 grams of 70% dexamethasone per square metre and mix it with doubling fine soil and sprinkle it in the seedbed. If the bed soil is relatively dry, it can be used 200-400 times that of zesin ammonium, and 2-4 kg per square meter of bed soil, which can not only disinfect but also play the role of moist bed soil.
Third, careful seedling nursery bed temperature required to maintain 30 degrees before emergence, 20-25 degrees after emergence. Sunny temperature control 25 degrees, cloudy 16 degrees, night 7-10 degrees lower than the day. Bottom water to soak the topsoil by 10~13 cm, so that it is wet during the day and dry in the evening. It is sunny and wet and cloudy. After the seedlings are unearthed, the seedlings are often planted by low temperature and controlled watering. The seedlings are planted 7 days before transplanting, and the open-air seedlings are planted at night without weather and frost.
Fourth, timely medication every 10-15 days, with 65% dexamethasone 600-800 times liquid spray 1, can also be used 50% dexamethasone and 70% thiophanate 1000 times alternating use. When individual strains appear on the seedbed, the diseased plants should be removed immediately and sprayed in time to prevent the spread of the disease.

The noodles are a kind of fine facial hair, white and tough, and resistant to cooking and cooking. They are round and thin, and also wide and flat. The main varieties are ordinary noodles, flower noodles, handmade noodles, etc. The varieties are divided into egg noodles, tomato noodles, spinach noodles, carrot noodles, kelp noodles, lysine noodles and so on. At present, the noodles have formed a pattern of common development such as staple food, flavor, nutrition and health care. The noodles are one of the main pastas that people love because of their good taste, convenient consumption, low price and easy storage.
The noodle is made by adding salt, alkali and water to the wheat flour and drying it to make a certain length of dry noodles.
The noodles are made of refined flour, contain no preservatives and additives, and the noodles are made of refined flour. The reason why the noodles can be stored for a long time is because it has a process of drying and dehydration, no moisture, and the storage time is naturally long. However, the color of the abnormally empty noodles is not good. According to the quality supervision and inspection of the noodle products organized by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, it is found that the white noodles are actually added with a whitening agent called benzoyl peroxide. According to the "Sanitary Standards for the Use of Food Additives", the content should not exceed 0.06g/kg, otherwise it will damage human health.

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