What is the relationship between salt and health?

I remember reading an article that when Ronald Reagan was the President of the United States, a good reporter asked him the secret of his longevity. Reagan thought without hesitation: "Just eat less salt." Who knows this "talk show" has attracted local salt merchants? The opposition, Reagan's "salt storm" was buzzing.

Salt is an indispensable substance in people's daily diet. Its main ingredient is sodium chloride. Sodium is the main cation in extracellular fluids. Its main function is to maintain the irritability of muscles and nerves, including the activity of the heart muscles, the motility of the digestive tract, the transmission of information from nerve cells, and the regulation of hormone-related hormone secretion. Chloride ion is the main component of the human digestive fluid, and it is combined with sodium and potassium ions to regulate the balance between maintaining the body's moisture content and blood pH value.

In the body's metabolism, if the lack of salt will cause muscle cramps, headaches, nausea, diarrhea, lazy body and other symptoms, in serious cases will also be heart failure and death. Potassium is also one of the necessary elements of the human body. It works together with sodium ions to maintain the activity of muscles and nerves. It is the main cation in body fluids of cells, and acts in conjunction with sodium ions to maintain the balance of osmotic pressure in the body's internal and external body fluids. If the human body's blood potassium content is low, it will produce heart disease such as muscle weakness, vomiting, loss of appetite, general malaise, inflexible reflex, heart rate irregularity, and weak heartbeat;

If the potassium content is too high, symptoms such as slow heartbeat, low blood pressure, tingling in the extremities, paralysis, and dyspnea will occur. Visible, salt and human health is very close, that is to say people can not have a day without salt, and no substitutes. Salt plays a role in promoting the normal circulation of blood in the human body and is an important component of human body fluids. It plays a pivotal role in maintaining blood pressure and acid-base balance in humans.

How much salt do people have to eat? This depends on individual circumstances. People engaged in strenuous exercise and physical labor consume more salt and lose more, and they should add more. In life, we cannot accurately control the intake of salt, but there is a body in the human body that balances and regulates, the kidney, which is an important organ for maintaining the body's water and electrolyte balance. It can maintain a constant osmotic pressure through a series of nerve and body fluid adjustments. When the body needs sodium, the kidneys can reduce sodium excretion through the reabsorption of renal tubules; if the body contains too much sodium, the kidneys will increase sodium excretion.

When there is a kidney disease, excessive sodium ingestion cannot be promptly eliminated from the body, and the concentration of sodium ions in the blood rises. In other words, saltiness increases. At this time, more water enters blood vessels and can easily cause sodium and sodium retention. As the volume of blood increases, so does the burden on the heart. At this time, the heart has to work twice to "pump" more blood from the vein back into the artery, resulting in increased blood pressure. Therefore, when there is a kidney disease, it is necessary to limit the amount of salt intake. In patients with severe kidney disease, special salt is also applied, and no more than 2 grams per day.

Salt and hypertension are the most closely related. The relationship between salt and hypertension has been studied in the world for more than 100 years. It has been found that high salt intake can cause high blood pressure, and low salt diet can lower blood pressure. Epidemiological surveys found that Eskimos living in the Arctic had low salt intake and their blood pressure was low, mostly below 18.7/12.0 kPa (140/90 mm Hg); blood pressure decreased after salt restriction in hypertensive patients. High salinity can increase blood pressure and may be related to the following factors:

1. High-salt (high-sodium) intake can cause water and sodium retention, leading to an increase in blood volume. At the same time, the increase in intracellular and extracellular sodium levels can lead to cell edema, swelling of vascular smooth muscle cells, narrowing of blood vessel lumens, and increased peripheral vascular resistance. High blood pressure.

2. High salt intake can increase the sensitivity of blood vessels to catecholamine vasoconstrictor substances, increase the release of norepinephrine from sympathetic nerve endings, and increase the density of angiotensin receptors on the vessel wall, resulting in excessive blood vessel contraction. Increased peripheral vascular resistance and elevated blood pressure.

3.Sodium retention caused by high salt intake increased intracellular sodium, inhibited sodium, potassium and ATPase activity, increased extracellular calcium into the cell, and increased intracellular sodium ions disappeared as intracellular sodium increased. Inhibition of calcium exchange inhibits calcium excretion in cells, resulting in increased calcium concentration in vascular smooth muscle cells, resulting in contraction of vascular smooth muscle, increased peripheral vascular resistance, and elevated blood pressure.

Recently, Xi’an Medical University’s study found that some salt-sensitive people have mutations in the sodium pump gene. This gene mutation is dominantly inherited, meaning that people who have the sodium pump gene mutation have more salt after Blood pressure will rise, the more salt you eat, the higher your blood pressure will rise. This can explain why some people have more salt intake and higher blood pressure. Therefore, whether or not human salt sensitivity can be screened according to this point in the prevention and treatment of hypertension can be prevented and targeted. However, it is still necessary to limit the intake of sodium salt before determining whether it is salt-sensitive or not, and should be controlled within 4 to 6 grams per day.

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