
Selective bud pre-dinitroaniline herbicides. Product name Teflon, fluorine special force. The seal preservation period is 3 years. Can mix with most pesticides. Low toxicity to higher animals, irritating to rabbit eyes and skin.

The mechanism of action is not valid for unearthed weeds. Immediately after the application of mixed soil, in warm and moist soil, according to the recommended dose, the efficacy of 8-12 weeks long.

Applicable to more than 40 kinds of crops such as soybean, cotton, corn, wheat, upland rice, sugar cane, beet, sunflower, tomato, cabbage, kidney bean, carrot, celery, parsley, and orchards, forest nurseries, flowers, lawns, plantations, etc. Grass, wild oats, green foxtail, crabgrass, goosegrass, commonweed, millenia, bluegrass, auntie, quail, quail, bream, pigweed, valerian, purslane, etc. Grass and some dicotyledonous weeds. Soybeans are treated 5 to 7 days before sowing, and they are immediately cross-mixed 5 to 7 cm deep. The dosage varies according to the content of organic matter in the soil. Typically, it uses 48% of trifluralin, 1.5 to 3 liters per hectare. In combination with herbicides such as dimecromone, oxamoxime, and methylcarbamate, they can complement each other, increase the herbicide spectrum, and increase crop safety. For rapeseed, peanut, sesame, cotton, cruciferous vegetables and other crop fields, they should be applied before sowing or before seedling emergence. Can not be applied in the live nursery fields of Liliaceae, Asteraceae, Solanaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Polygonaceae vegetables. To transfer vegetables, tomato, eggplant, bell pepper, cabbage, cauliflower, etc., weeds should be raised before or after transfer Before use, in the transfer of cucumber fields, when the seedling height 10 ~ 15 cm on the shelves for soil treatment, transplanting celery, onion, onion, old root leeks, can be applied after the slow emergence. Winter wheat is treated before pouring frozen water. Grapes, apples and other plantations, after the spring soil, the weeds before the application of pesticides, pay attention not to spray grapes and fruit trees.

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