Planting Spring Corn Variety Plus Method

Select good varieties: Planting spring corn should choose varieties with growth period of more than 112 days, developed root system, compact plant type, leaf blade punching, strong growth and strong resistance, such as Nongda 108, Yuyu No. 30 and Tangkang No. 8 Wait. Seeds should be sowed before sowing, remove small particles, diseased grains, pods and air drying 2 to 3 days, in order to enhance the seed's water absorption capacity, early emergence, improve the uniformity of seedlings.
Select coated seeds: The best choice is to choose the seed to be coated. If the seeds are uncoated, 50 grams of formazan plus one batch of 20 kg of maize will be mixed to control the underground pests and allow the seedlings to be excavated as early as possible.
Select the best sowing date: The sowing date of spring corn should be determined according to soil moisture. After the reserved spring land is cultivated in autumn and winter, it shall be rolled in early spring, and high-yielding fields may be postponed until May 5 to 15 when the public opinion permits. The general sowing date is April 25 to April 5. On the 5th of the month.
Increase fertilization material: fine soil preparation before sowing, increase phosphate fertilizer and potash fertilizer, adjust the proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the soil, generally suitable for 1:0.7:0.5. The medium-sized plot of 600 kilograms of corn per mu should be applied to 20 kg of diammonium, 25 kg of urea, and 15 kg of potassium sulfate per mu. When sowing, 70% of nitrogen fertilizer and total phosphate fertilizer and potassium fertilizer were used as base fertilizer at one time. The other 30% of nitrogen fertilizer was applied at roots 15 cm when the plant grew to 10 leaves.
Seeding techniques: where conditions permit, it is advisable to sow or sow seedlings with a sowing volume of 2 kg/mu. Seeds and fertilizers are sown separately. Note that the fertilizer should be applied 3 to 4 cm below the seeds. This will not only prevent the burning of seedlings, but also promote the roots of the seedlings. Unconditional can be used to open the ditch with small rakes, hand-sprinkled seeds, sowing volume of 2.5 ~ 3 kg / acre.
By mastering the above measures, we will set up a high-yield shelf, and we will be able to obtain the ideal corn yield in the autumn.

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