Major diseases and insect pests of Euonymus japonicus and its control

As a kind of evergreen shrub, Euonymus japonicus is one of the most commonly used green plants in town streets, squares, parks, unit courtyards, and residential green spaces. Due to the large differences in the growing environmental conditions, the management measures are relatively extensive, and the occurrence of pests and diseases is severe, which seriously affects the urban green landscape. To investigate the characteristics of major diseases and insect pests of Euonymus japonicus, develop and implement prevention and control measures according to local conditions, and achieve the purpose of controlling hazards and beautifying the environment. 1. Characteristics of main diseases and insect pests (1) Populus Euphratica powdery mildew. Powdery mildew is a common disease in the nursery and green belts of Euonymus japonicus. It mainly occurs on the front of the leaves, and the backs of leaves also occur from time to time. The lesions were white in shape and surrounded by radial rays. In severe cases, small lesions formed a large white patch that was not clearly defined on the edges, and the white powder was observed by rubbing off the white powder. Causes the leaves to shrink, the disease is slightly distorted, and leaves fall off earlier. The pathogen of powdery mildew is fungi, and it can also harm other poplar plants. Pathogens use hyphae and fruiting bodies to overwinter on diseased plants or diseased bodies, and in the following year they can produce conidia, which can be transmitted through wind and rain. The bacteria in the growth period of boxwood can invade many times, and the high temperature and high humidity in June to July and the planting density are conducive to the disease development. In August, the condition of high temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius decreased, and in the autumn there was a small peak. (2) Anthurium anthracnose. In the early stage of disease, water-stained yellow-brown dots appeared on the leaves. The junction of diseased keys was not obvious. Later, lesions expanded, yellow spots appeared at the late stage, and small black spots (ie, conidial discs) appeared on the lesions, which were clearly or not clearly arranged. The scalloped leaves often cause the leaves to dry and fall off early. The pathogen of anthracnose is fungus, which can overwinter in contaminated body and soil with conidium disc. It can also winterize with conidia and mycelium on diseased tissue of plants. At the end of the spring of the following year, the conidia spread by insects and wind and rain, conidiospores invaded through stomata or wounds, and the growth of poplars could be repeatedly infested. The annual incidence of summer and autumn is the heaviest. In general, the disease is aggravated when there are many plant wounds, over dense plants, poor ventilation, excessive nitrogen fertilizer application, and weak plant growth. (3) Japanese turtle wax. Homoptera is a waxworm family. In addition to endangering Euonymus japonicus, it can also harm other 150 kinds of woody flowers and fruit trees; it has very complex feeding habits and strong fertility. When the damage is severe, the host is slightly covered with insects on the back of the leaf, often causing moldy disease, resulting in debilitating or even dead plants. The worm occurs one generation a year. The fertilized female adults are allowed to overwinter on the shoots, and spawning begins in May of the next year. The upper and middle months of June are the procreative periods of egg production. The eggs are produced in the oyster shell. The average female adult eggs can lay eggs. About 1,000 grains, about 20 days of the egg period, and from late June to mid-July, the nymphs hatched. The newly hatched nymphs climbed onto the leaves and harmed, fixed the sucking juice, and then secreted the waxy material and gradually formed a starburst. Shell. After more than one month of damage, the waxy clam shells of male and female nymphs changed significantly. The male nymph was 2nd instar, and it became a male adult in early September and died after mating. The female nymph was 3rd instar, and the larvae migrated from the leaves to the shoots in succession. After the fertilization, they began to overwinter in late October. (4) Two-pointed leafhopper. It is a genus of leafhoppers. Can harm more than 100 kinds of flowers, trees, fruit trees and crops. The sucking harms the leaves, and the leaves appear greenish yellow spots, causing the leaves to be dull and fall off prematurely. In the northern region, about 10 generations occur every year. Fertilized females become wintering at earth seams, bark seams, etc., and begin breeding in the spring of the following year. Mainly for sexual reproduction, such as the lack of males can also be parthenogenetic reproduction, their offspring are all male. Each female can produce an average of more than 100 eggs. July-August, when the high temperature, drought and less rain, the rapid reproduction, endangerment, and prone to disasters. This species has a habit of laying on the net and often inhabits under the wire mesh near the main vein of the leaf. Winter is entering in October. 2. Comprehensive prevention and control methods. As long as the above pests and diseases occur in accordance with the law of the timely prevention, the harm can be significantly reduced, and even can be effectively avoided. (1) Elimination of the source of bacteria. Combine pruning, remove dead branches, diseased branches, and worm branches, and burn them together to reduce the source of bacteria and insects. (2) Strengthen management. Nursery and green planting should not be too dense, improve ventilation and light transmission conditions; management operations to avoid causing plant wounds; do not over-application of nitrogen fertilizer, increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Create conditions for the infestation of unfavorable diseases and increase plant resistance to disease and insect resistance. (3) Chemical control. It is carried out at the early stage of the onset of the disease and the early stage of the youngest pest. Powdery mildew can be sprayed with 20% triadimefon EC 2000 times, anthrax with 80% anthrax Fumei WP 500-800 times, turtle wax with 40% Omethoate 1000 times or 50% malathion. Phosphorus EC is sprayed 600-800 times, and two-point leafhoppers can be sprayed with 1.8% avermectin or 15% broom and net emulsion 3000 times liquid. If a variety of pests and diseases occur in combination, the above agents can be mixed and sprayed to treat both. (Shandong County Agriculture Bureau, Shandong Province)

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