How to prevent summer cucumber "dead vine"


The disease can occur in various parts of cucumber plants. When the basal stem near the surface of the stem is on the path, a dark green water-stained lesion appears on the stem. Afterwards, the stem becomes atrophic and thin, the leaves above the diseased part wilt, and finally the whole plant withers. True leaf disease, resulting in dark green water-stained lesions, spreads into near-circular lesions; when the humidity is high, the disease develops rapidly, causing all the leaves to rot; When the humidity is small, the edges of the lesions are dark green and the middle is dark. Light brown, dry, brittle. The incidence of stem tip, lesions were water-stained dark green, rot, the diseased part of the apparent atrophy after drying, stems and leaves above the diseased parts withered. The occurrence of melon strips occurred mostly in the parts of Guati, and there were dark greenish water spots in the near-circular depression spots. Humidity was rapidly onset and sparse gray and mildew layer appeared on the surface of the diseased part at the later stage. The melon strip surface was atrophic and rot.

Control methods

Practice ridge cultivation or sorghum cultivation to increase soil aeration; cover mulch film to reduce humidity; water in the morning or evening, dilute with little water, avoid flooding, and prevent stagnant water, especially continuous rainy days. To dry the ground, keep the ground dry; disinfect the seeds; find the diseased plants and remove them immediately to prevent the spread of germs.

The early stage of disease can be controlled by drugs. For example, with 75% chlorothalonil 500 times solution, the control effect is about 70%. Spraying from the seedling stage can control its harm, and it can also prevent and control other diseases. It can also be used 25 percent of Rhizoctonia 500 times, or 64 percent of antiviral 500 times, or 50 percent of 50 times the amount of bacillus spray control. To prevent drug resistance, multiple agents can be used in combination. For example, use 25 percent of Rhizoctonia and 65 percent of Zinc-Zinc mixture 600 times, or use 25 percent of Rhizoctonia and 40 percent of Fomex. One-to-one mixture 500 times Irrigation root, 200 mg per plant, the effect is more reliable.

Body Treatments

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