Good pig breed---Su Tai pig

(1) Introduction of varieties Sutai pig is selected from the Taihu Pig Breeding Center of Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province. It is a hybrid of Xiaomeishan, Zhongmeishan, Erhualian and Fengjing pigs as female parent and Duroc as male parent. In 1999, it was approved by the National Animal Husbandry

Harvester field operation two routes

Under normal circumstances, at least three people are on site at the combine harvester: one driver and two food handlers. The food keeper should monitor the working conditions of the harvester when receiving food. If there is any abnormality, the driver should be reminded to stop and check in

Four points for winter chickens

1. Harmful gases: The most harmful gas to chickens is ammonia, which can stimulate the sense organs of chickens, induce respiratory diseases, and reduce feed efficiency. When smelling ammonia when entering a chicken house, ammonia gas in the house has been exceeded. Houses warmed with coal sto

How to process apple tarts?

The north is an apple producing area and has mature experience in processing apple pods, but it is necessary to process preserved fruit in the region. The answer is yes. But to talk about the conditions, due to the north fruit south transport, such as the city of food and grocery companies to

Cultivation of crisp jujube

Luzhou jujube fruit surface is bright red, the fruit of a medium size, in the sun's exposure it is so shiny, so bright and eye-catching, such as a string of grapes hanging branches, crispy jujube jujube crisp, juicy, Shaped like a mango sweet and dense, red if the chicken blood brittle pea

Vegetable Storage - Ventilation Storage

The ventilation warehouse is basically the same as the large warehouse, with three types: ground floor, semi-underground and underground. With long-term use of wood, masonry and other permanent construction, it does not require annual demolition and relocation. The ventilation warehouse has a

Farmers homemade fertilizer technology

First, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. 2.5 kg of arbour ash is put into 12.5 kg of clear water, soaked in 1 kg of clear water. Slowly add 1 kg of superphosphate that has been sieved. Add 6 hours of stirring. Remove the supernatant, leave the sediment, and then add 10 kg of clear water to

Chives cultivation techniques

Shallots are rich in aromas and nutritious. In the past, as a hotel, restaurant commonly used incense spices and instant noodles dehydrated vegetable seasoning. In recent years, as one of the vegetable varieties exported, it has become very popular and has gradually entered the homes of ordina

Jujube storage technology

1. Completely disinfect the warehouse with CT-garden disinfectant. 2. Reduce the storage temperature to 0°C within 2 days before storage. 3, jujube should be harvested in the white mature period, that is, jujube from green to white, when the fruit surface is slightly ruddy when harvested. 4

E512 E514 Combine Harvester Engine Repair Tips

When repairing the engines of the E512 and E514 combine harvesters, the power output bearings were often found to be damaged and the bearing seats were seriously worn. The main reason for the damage is that the bearing is subjected to great force, but the lubricating oil is not easily retained

Organic rice production technology

1. The selection base of organic rice production base must have a good ecological environment, suitable temperature, sufficient sunlight, adequate rainfall, deep soil layer, high organic matter content, fresh air, and pure water quality as the production base. At the same time, we must fully c

Zheng Mai 9023 Cultivation Technology

Zheng Mai 9023 (formerly Zhengzhou 9023) was selected by the High Yield Breeding Research Institute of the Wheat Research Institute of the Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences. In September 2002, it was approved by the Jiangsu Provincial Crop Variety Approval Committee. The main characterist