Shed Strawberry Disease Prevention

The greenhouses are planted in greenhouses. The high temperature and humidity conditions in the greenhouses are extremely conducive to the occurrence of various pests and diseases. Therefore, strengthening the comprehensive prevention and treatment of diseases is the key to realizing the high yield and stable production of strawberries in greenhouses.

1. Leaf blight mainly damages leaves, petioles, fruit stems, tender stems, and sepals. On the leaves, purple brown is first formed, the periphery is not obvious, irregular spots, and then expand into 3-4 mm long irregular lesions. If there are multiple lesions on one leaf, the whole leaf is dark, and then it is tan And withered. There are scattered dark spots in the lesions. The lesions on the stems and petioles were black-brown, initially spotted, and then expanded into strips. Control measures: timely removal of diseased leaves and old leaves. At the beginning of the disease, 70% chlorothalonil WP was sprayed at 500 to 700 times, and then sprayed again 10 days later, or 70% Mancozeb WP, 200 g water and 75 kg spray per acre.

Second, powdery mildew mainly damages leaves, flowers, fruits, stems, petioles and stolons. Leaves suffer, with thin, frosty white powder on the back of the leaves at the beginning, and then spread to the whole plant. As the disease progresses, the leaves roll up like a spoon; the buds and petals are purple-red and cannot flower or incompletely blossom; the fruit is infected, and the fruit is infected. Covers white powder, does not swell, is elongated, and the young fruit loses its luster and hardens. Prevention and control measures: In the early stage of disease, timely control 2 to 3 times with triadimefon 2500~4000 times, after the harvest, the whole park slashes the leaves, spray 70% thiophanate-methyl 1000 times or 50% antibacterial 800 times.

Third, gray mold mainly damage flowers, petals, fruits and leaves. In the fruit, the onset of disease begins at the base of the fruit-bearing pods. The initial lesions are water-stained, gradually turning brown, forming brown long-term lesions, and gradually expanding at the later stage. The dense gray mold causes the fruit to soften and rot. When the flowers are damaged, The petals turn brown and dry; when the fruit stems and petioles are damaged, they turn brown at the beginning, grow gray molds afterwards, and finally dry up and dry, which seriously affects the yield. Control measures: budding to flowering, with 25% carbendazim WP 300 times, 70% thiophanate-methyl 800 times, 50% speed Keling 800 ~ 1000 times liquid spray. In the rainy season, fumigation control of “one smoked” fumigant can be used to fumigate it once every 10 to 15 days.

Fourth, root rot diseased plants start from the lower leaves, the leaf margin becomes red-brown, gradually wither upward, and finally withered. Prevention and control measures: Before transplanting strawberries, use 40% asparagus green powder 600 times liquid to soak noodles, then cover soil and transplant.

Fifth, Verticillium wilt diseased plant growth aboveground disease, the main symptoms of the disease is a young leaf deformity, narrow, boat-shaped, yellow leaves, surface roughness, luster, leaf margin brown inward withered until dead. Prevention and control measures: Implement crop rotation, strictly introduce planting of disease-free plants, shorten the updating period, and the diseased plants must be removed and burned. Strawberries were sterilized with 40% asparagus blue powder 600 times or 70% thiophanate-methyl 700 times before transplanting.

VI. Virus-infected plants showed dwarfing of plants, smaller leaves, sharp serrated leaf margins, and yellowed heart; early flowering, smaller fruit, and decreased yield; reduced number of stolons. Control measures: Use virus-free seedlings, rotate for 2 to 3 years without virus vaccines, and strengthen aphid control.

Pay attention to the prevention and control of pesticides and strengthen agricultural control. Prompt ventilation reduces greenhouse humidity, strengthens fertilizer management, fosters robust plants, promotes crop rotation, selects virus-free seedlings, and has a deep drainage ditch around the shed to ensure that the rain stops dry, removes diseased plants in time, and removes diseased leaves, old leaves, and diseases. Fruit and so on.

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