Diagnosis and Treatment of Newborn Pig Hemolytic Disease

Neonatal porcine hemolytic disease, also known as hemolytic jaundice in piglets, is an immune disease caused by mismatched blood groups. The disease occurs in individual litter piglets, and the newly born piglets cause large amounts of red blood cells to dissolve soon after they eat colostrum. As the disease currently lacks effective drugs, the mortality rate can reach 100%, causing significant economic losses to farmers. In practice, the author adopted a comprehensive therapy that focuses on traditional Chinese medicine and supplemented by Western medicine, and achieved good results. Sum up for your reference.

1 Causes

The disease is mainly caused by the incompatibility of hereditary blood types of sows and piglets. During pregnancy and childbirth, if the sow and piglet blood type do not match, the fetal red blood cells enter maternal blood circulation, and the maternal produces fetal red blood cell antibody. The red blood cell antibody enters the blood circulation of the fetus and causes hemolysis of red blood cells. The newborn pig enzyme is immature and cannot be combined effectively. Non-conjugated bilirubin in the blood is converted to jaundice.

2 clinical symptoms

The clinical symptoms of this disease are related to the degree of hemolysis. Most of them are jaundice and anemia within 24 hours after birth. They are obviously aggravated within 48 hours. The conjunctiva of the eye is yellow-stained. The white-skinned piglet also shows paleness; no milk, lethargy, Tremor, hindquarters shaking, urine is transparent red; some can occur due to heavier anemia and heart failure, such as severe hemolysis, indirect bilirubin increased to more than 342 ~ 427.5mmol / L, through the blood-brain barrier In combination with nerve tissue, neurological symptoms appear, called "nuclear jaundice." The early stage of nuclear jaundice (also known as the warning period) showed drowsiness, decreased sucking, reflex weakening, and reduced muscle tone. After 0.5 to 1 days into the flood period, the piglets may have fever, and the light eyes gaze, blink, and paroxysmal muscle tone. Increased; Severe antagonism, sometimes irritated screaming, the majority of sick pigs died of respiratory failure or pulmonary hemorrhage. If we can survive the flood season, we will enter the recovery period within two days. First, we will gradually increase our suction and response to the outside world. Then our breathing will improve and the phlegm will disappear. In the most acute case, the piglet was normal at birth and suddenly developed after sucking colostrum. It only showed acute anaemia. In the case of jaundice and hemoglobinuria, it was in shock and died within 12 hours after birth. The sequelae often appear in the second month after birth, manifested as athetosis, eye movement disorders, hearing impairment, enamel hypoplasia and so on.

3 pathological changes

The corpus callosum, fat, and muscle are yellow-stained and there are varying degrees of mass on the liver. The spleen is brownish, slightly swollen, and the kidneys are swollen and congested. Dark red urine accumulates in the bladder.

4 Laboratory inspection

The number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin was significantly reduced, reticulocytes were significantly increased, erythroblasts were seen in blood smears, the total number of white blood cells was also increased, serum indirect bilirubin concentration continued to increase, and the daily bilirubin rise rate exceeded 85.5 mmol/L.

Diagnosis can be made based on clinical symptoms and pathological changes, serum bilirubin can be tested if necessary.

6 comprehensive therapy

6.1 General Therapy

A suitable amount of multi-dimensional electrolyte or energy mixture can be dissolved in water to allow piglets to drink freely to supplement energy.
6.2 Western medicine treatment

6.2.1 Prednisone is irrigated in water at a daily dose of 1 to 2 mg per kg body weight or hydrocortisone at 6 to 8 mg per kg body weight per day.

6.2.2 enzyme inducer, phenobarbital per day per kilogram of body weight 5 ~ 8mg or nikethamide per kilogram of body weight per day 100mg, divided sooner or later twice the drug dissolved in water irrigation.

6.3 Chinese medicine treatment

6.3.1 The basic prescription: rhubarb 9g, capillaris 60g, gardenia 18g, Salvia miltiorrhiza 18g, cassia twig 12g.

6.3.2 Fang Yi: This is the addition and subtraction of Yin Chen Hao Tang. Fang Zhongyin has the effect of heat and dampness, and gallbladder jaundice, and is the first choice for the treatment of jaundice and hemolytic disease; the dampness and heat of the jaundice and radix is ​​the detoxification of the rhubarb diarrhea, and it promotes blood circulation and accelerates the recuperation of the jaundice; Salvia miltiorrhiza as a medicine and blood circulation Huayu; Guizhi Wentong meridians. Various drugs were used together and played a total of heat, dampness, and blood stasis. Acupuncture plus Astragalus 18g, Coptis chinensis 6g; edema plus Caesarea diarrhea 12g, Poria 12g, Plantago 9g, so that hot and humid away from the urine; abdominal bloating, anorexia who can add Gorgon 18g, Magnolia 12g, qi stagnation God faint convulsions, plus calendula 18g, Ningxinkai.

6.3.3 Usage: Put the medicine into the medicine jar, add 1500ml water, and fry it until it is only about 500ml until the liquid medicine is left and right. Divide the fire to the dregs and divide the liquid into two parts. The amount of the drug used in this party is applicable to 8 to 10 piglets, and the specific number of piglets can be increased or decreased in proportion to the number of piglets.

6.4 Acupuncture

The main points: spleen, liver Yu, Sanli, six veins, Yongquan; distribution points: Yamane, Yutang, inch son. Acupuncture: The main point of the main method to fill the law, keep the needle 10 to 20 minutes, with acupuncture points to flat-reducing diarrhea-based, no needle.

6.5 Light Therapy

Indirect bilirubin can be oxidized and hydrolyzed into a water-soluble substance after light irradiation, which is excreted by the biliary tract and has the best effect with blue light. A 40-watt blue fluorescent lamp is generally used as the light source, and the distance between the light source and the sick pig is controlled between 45 and 55 cm. When irradiating, it is necessary to cover the pigs with black cloth or black paper so as not to burn the eyes of affected pigs and affect vision. In addition to the testicles as much as possible to expose the skin, mild symptoms of sustained exposure to 24-36 hours, heavy exposure to sustainable exposure for 48 to 72 hours. If there is no Blu-ray device, you can also use incandescent lamps or natural light irradiation, the length of natural light exposure can be adjusted according to the severity of symptoms and the different seasons, the general winter and spring irradiation time can be 48 to 72 hours, summer and autumn irradiation time can be In 18-24 hours.

Criterion for cure: jaundice disappeared; serum bilirubin remained below 34.2 mmol/L for 72 consecutive hours.

7 Experience and Summary

Newborn porcine hemolytic disease is a common disease. After finding out the condition, correct diagnosis and treatment, symptomatic treatment, and strengthening nursing are the key to the treatment of the disease. The establishment and improvement of health records and breeding files for the breeding of sows and breeding boars and the implementation of standardized management are the fundamental measures to prevent the occurrence of the disease.

After birth, the piglets have good lye and everything is normal. After suckling colostrum, the entire litter of pigs develops from hours to more than 10 hours. This is the diagnostic point of the newborn porcine hemolytic disease. According to this, the diagnosis and medication can be made accordingly. The results to be tested should not be delayed.

For sows with previous hemolysis, take "Huoxuehuayu Powder" (7mg of Motherwort, 18g of Radix Paeoniae Alba, 10g of Radix Angelica, 15g of Angelica, 15g of Rhizoma Chuanxiong, and Grinded into fine powder) 7 days before delivery, 15g each time. Once a day until production. After the piglet is born, take Yinchenhao Decoction (Yangchen 9g, Poria 6g, Gardenia 6g, Cork 3g, Yujin 3g, Alisma, Atractylodes 3g, Licorice 3g, 3 jujube, and fry 500m1). For three consecutive days, each piglet was given prednisone 1 mg once daily.

It is advisable for those who have conditions to find out that the piglet born to the sow should be immediately fed with milk from another sow or artificially breast-fed. At the same time, the breast milk should be manually squeezed out. After 3 days, the mother's milk can be fed to the piglet. If there are sows with similar litter size, and if the sows are temperate, the entire litter of piglets can be exchanged for breastfeeding to prevent the occurrence of hemolytic disease in the piglets.

When using light therapy, pay attention to ventilation. When exposed to natural light in summer, it cannot be directly exposed to strong light. Pay attention to supplement enough liquid, measure body temperature once every 4 hours, and take necessary measures to prevent heatstroke. For lactating sows and weaned piglets, feeds rich in iron, copper and other trace elements should be fed, bone meal and salt should be properly given, and exercise must be strengthened to promote physical rehabilitation.

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