Prevention and cure of sp

First, the incidence of symptoms and symptoms

The disease is mainly contaminated by a conidial device or ascostic shell with diseased bodies stored in dry soil or on the frame, spread by irrigation water, invasive from the wound, the natural orifice, the seeds can also be carriers, causing the disease. When the temperature is between 18°C ​​and 25°C and the relative humidity is above 80%, the disease becomes serious when the water holding capacity is too large. In particular, after the melons began to grow and the large wounds were caused by the lower old leaves, poor ventilation in the greenhouse was more likely to occur. The disease mainly harms stems and leaves, and the fruit can also be affected. In case of damage to the stalks, water-stained oval spots are first formed near the base of the stems, and the ellipsoidal yellow-brown spots grow upwards and downwards. After one week around the stems, the upper parts of the plants die. If the damage occurs at the base of the stem and the petiole, the petiole is often affected. When the humidity is high, the lesions are rotten. When the lesions are dry, the lesions are gray-brown and many small black spots appear on the skin. The cortex is split longitudinally. The victim of the leaf begins with the leaf margin and forms a round or "V" shaped dark brown lesion in the leaf. Damage to the fruit, first from the middle of the tender guagua melon strips produce water-stained dots, after the development of melon internal, causing melon meat soft rot, so that the melon skin is yellow-brown water-like.

Second, chemical control

Irrigation control: 15 days after planting, root-sinking, and root melon harvesting, the best results were obtained with each treatment. 75% chlorothalonil 600 times or 70% thiophanate-methyl 800 times can be used to irrigate the root, and the efficacy is above 90%.

Smearing and prevention: Apply 75% chlorothalonil 50 times solution or 70% thiophanate methyl 50 times to smear the affected area. The effect is more than 95%.

Spraying control: spraying with 60% DTM 500 times, 75% chlorothalonil 600 times, 70% thiophanate-methyl 800 times.

If you aspire to start a commercial growing operation, we have designed the System as a beginning package especially for you to get hands-on experience. This unit is very well thought out, easy to assemble and operate, and includes virtually everything you need to get started (comes with a full year of growing supplies). In weeks, the system will be up to full speed, producing some of the best crops you and your customers will have ever seen.

Greenhouse A Hydroponics

Greenhouse A Hydroponics,Hydroponic Garden,Hydroponic System