Pineapple fertilization technical points

(1) Base fertilizer is cultivated on the hillside of pineapple. The soil is dry and barren. One-time application of base fertilizer during planting is the basic measure for high yield and quality of pineapple. Basic basal fertilizer can be combined with deep plowing. People in the fruit area are accustomed to using cows manure and green manure as base fertilizers, and appropriate quantified fertilizers are used for furrow application or hole application.

(2) Dressing pineapple from the colonization to heat, a growth cycle lasted 23 months. More than one year from the time of planting to flower bud differentiation, it is the vegetative growth stage of pineapple seedlings. The seedling stage is generally not top-dressing. If the seedling stage grows poorly, thin water and fertilizer can be traced. In the second year of spring, a small amount of nitrogen fertilizer may be topdressed to promote the growth of seedling leaves. Into the ten colony growth period, we must focus on three top dressings.

For the first time in November, flower bud differentiation fertilizer was applied, mainly phosphorus and potassium, and the amount of nitrogen fertilizer was appropriately controlled.

The second time from December to January of the next year, the bud fertilizer was applied. 10-15 kg of fertilizer and 0.5 kg of phosphate fertilizer are applied per plant.

The third time in April-May attacking fruit germination fertilizer. In this period, medium-sized nitrogen and high-quantity potassium promote fruit growth and ensure fruit quality.

Dried Red Dates

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