Maize ear management manages four levels

A period of time from the jointing of the corn to the tasseling is called the period of the ear. Fertility characteristics at this stage are: vegetative growth and reproductive growth go hand in hand, leaves increase, elongation of stem sections, nutrient growth, while the male and female spikes are strongly differentiated and formed. The central task of management during this period is to promote the enlargement of the leaves, the stalks are stout, dense, and large in size. In the management, we must put a good four customs, so that the corn to achieve the appearance of high yield and win high yields.

First, the cultivator should be deep-medium cultivated when the soil is ploughed to the joints of corn, and the depth can reach 7-8 cm, and the new roots can be sprayed in large quantities to expand the absorption range and remove the weeds. When entering the big bell mouth, the soil is combined with topdressing. According to the test, soil cultivation can promote the generation of large amounts of supporting roots. Not only can it effectively prevent lodging, but more importantly, it enhances the ability to absorb and synthesize later. At the same time, there is also the role of drainage in the soil. However, the hard soil can not be too large in order to prevent root oxygen deficiency and affect breathing and absorption.

Second, irrigation drought control after the joints of maize, the male and female ear began to differentiate, stems and leaves rapid growth, a large number of dry matter accumulation, leaf transpiration gradually increased, the demand for water also gradually increased. In particular, about 15 days before corn picking, it is extremely sensitive to water and it is a time when more water is needed. At this time, when drought occurred, the water supply was not timely, the ear development was poor, the sticks became smaller, the grains decreased, and the number of rows per ear decreased by 2-4 rows. In severe cases, the tassels cannot be extracted, and the earing of silkworms is difficult and the fertilization can not be performed normally. As a result, balding, flowering sticks, and empty stalks are often produced and the yield is reduced. Therefore, the supply of moisture must be guaranteed during the earing stage. The irrigation conditions must be ensured during the jointing period and 10-15 days before the pumping. Areas that do not have irrigation conditions should promptly do a good job in preventing droughts. First, they should use mulch or wheat straw for protection. The second is the intensive cultivation, especially after the rain. We must do a good job of water conservation and promote the steady and long harvest of corn.

Third, nutritional supplementation After corn enters the jointing stage, vegetative growth is accelerated, tassel differentiation is ongoing, and ear differentiation is about to begin. The demand for nutrients is increasing. About half a month before tasselling, it is a crucial period for determining the size of the ear and the number of grains, and requires a lot of nutrients. In order to meet the nutritional needs of corn during this period, to achieve large spikes, many grains, full grain, high yield, must topdressing, supplement nutrition. The topdressing time and topdressing amount should be based on actual conditions in each place and the basic fertility level of the field. In areas where basal fertilizers are adequately applied and where water resources are available, fertilizers should be applied in two separate batches. For the first time, in the jointing stage, combined with watering, 5 to 7 kg of urea or 15 to 20 kg of ammonium bicarbonate can be topdressed. The second time before tasselling, 10-15 days, combined with irrigation to recover panicle fertilizer, usually topdressing 10-15 kg of urea or 30-40 kg of ammonium bicarbonate per 667 square meters.

4. Diseases and pest control Diseases at the corn ear stage are mainly large and small spot diseases. If there are more rains at the heading stage, and the disease resistance of the planted varieties is weak, it is susceptible to disease. Should use 50% carbendazim or 75% chlorothalonil 800 times spray control. The corn ear pests are mainly corn stubble, and they enter the heading stage. The corn stubbles are active and should be controlled in time. For prevention and control of other pests and diseases at the earl stage, they should be immediately controlled.

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