Four principles of crop top dressing

According to local conditions, under normal circumstances, low-alkali alkali to use ammonium sulfate and other acidic fertilizers; acid soil topdressing urea, ammonium bicarbonate, ammonia and other alkaline or neutral fertilizers; poor water retention and fertilizer capacity of sand and sandy loam, it is difficult to chase applications. Volatile ammonium chloride, urea and other fertilizers. At the same time, it is advisable to increase the frequency of topdressing during the topdressing period and reduce the amount of fertilizers each time to prevent evaporation and loss of chemical fertilizers.

Due to the fertilizer system, most chemical fertilizers belong to the category of salts, which are acidic, alkaline and neutral, and must be treated differently according to the nature and composition of chemical fertilizers. If ammonium chloride and urea are mixed and applied to paddy fields, nitrification and leaching loss can be inhibited, but they cannot be used in salted soils to prevent chlorides from accumulating in the soil and aggravate salt damage. In addition, urea in the soil can only release fertilizer effect through transformation. Therefore, when topdressing with urea, it should be applied several days in advance of other nitrogenous fertilizers, and at the same time, deep soiling should be applied to increase fertilizer efficiency.

Different types of crops and even different varieties of the same crop are suitable for different types of plants. The types and quantities of chemical fertilizers required are different. Therefore, according to the type of crops, it is necessary to apply drugs and supply them on demand. For example, 230-370 kg of ammonium sulfate or 180-200 kg of urea can be topdressed per hectare of rice; 150-190 kg of urea can be topdressed per hectare of corn and sorghum.

Due to the obvious effect of increasing yield in early seasons, the top dressing of wheat should be topdressed with nitrogen fertilizer at the three-leaf stage to lay a good foundation for cultivating strong seedlings and big spikes; soybeans can be topdressed with a single nitrogen fertilizer to reduce the rate of falling flowers. , And can extend the life of the plant, increase grain weight and yield. (Li Dagang)

Corn Starch

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