Grasp the green fertilizer management in spring and promote spring

As the temperature began to rise after the beginning of spring, the growth of green manure accelerated accordingly. Grasping spring management and promoting spring development is one of the key measures to seize the abundant harvest of green manure. To this end, the following opinions on the spring management techniques of the three main varieties of green manure in the region are provided for reference:

First, clean up the ditch

Spring management is centered on perfecting and supporting trenches. After entering the spring, it is often rainy, and the ditch is not smooth. The water in the field affects the spring development. Therefore, to block or not open ditch trenches, we must seize the time to clean up, ensure smooth drainage, so that the rain ditch dry, no water surface, promote and accelerate the growth of green manure nutrition, increase biological yield.

Second, fertilizer management

Although green manure has good nitrogen fixation, it also needs various nutrients for growth as well as other crops. According to the experimental data, different green manures are applied to basic ammonium fertilization in the beginning of spring, and they all have the effect of increasing production. Mushi 15 kg nitrogen fertilizer; purple Yun acre 15-20 kg of nitrogen fertilizer; Cauliflower (grass head) on the relatively high level of fertilizer application, generally before and after the beginning of spring application of 5 kg of urea fertilizer, promote vegetative growth. After each harvest, topdressing 3-5 kg ​​urea. After the last cut, 2-3 kilograms shall be topdressed to ensure that there is a certain amount of returning green manure to achieve the purpose of ploughing fertilization. .

Third, reduce weed damage and improve the field microclimate

The more severe weeds can be sprayed with “10.8% Gaibuengeng” herbicide in time after the Spring Festival when the temperature rises, 50 grams per mu, and watered with 40-50 kg, using targeted spray to ensure the green manure in the field. The normal growth.

Fourth, timely ploughing, play a fertilizer effect

1, timely plowing

The output and fertilizer efficiency of green manure in different stages of growth are not the same, so it should be determined by factors such as the planting time of post-planting crops and the decay rate of green manure. Generally, the overturning period of faba bean is from flowering stage to clamming stage; the milk vetch is within one week after flowering stage; At the same time, it is also necessary to ensure sufficient decay time for the green manure and rice sowing time. Generally 25-30 days of broad beans, milk vetch and 15-20 days of cauliflower.

2. Returning field quantity

The amount of overturning is compatible with the amount of nitrogen fertilizer. The number of overturned green manure is not as good as possible. Excessive amounts of rice often produce excessive vegetative growth. As green manure is more common in this area in the past three years, the effect of fertility improvement has also increased year by year. Therefore, when the amount of green manure is more than 2,000 kg, the amount of N fertilizer should be controlled at 13 kg of pure nitrogen; when Mushi has 1250 kg of green manure, M fertilizer should be controlled at about 15 kg of pure nitrogen.

3, roll over technology

The basic requirement is to turn the green manure into the soil, bury it tightly, and compact it so that the green manure is in close contact with the soil. The water is irrigated promptly after ridge rinsing to increase the soil temperature, accelerate the decomposition of green manure, and ensure that the fertilizer effect is played in time.

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