How to transport chicks long distances

First, the choice of vehicles and appliances.
For long-distance transporting youngsters, it is advisable to use modified passenger cars or trucks equipped with ventilation devices or heating/cooling air conditioners in order to ensure that the large amounts of heat emitted by the chicks are dissipated, and that both the winter and the summer can give the chicks comfortable temperatures.
The young chicks are selected to use special high-quality chick packaging boxes. There are a number of ventilation holes with a diameter of 2 cm around and on the cover. The length, width and height of the box are suitable. The broiler breeder box is slightly larger than the egg breeder box. The interior is divided into 4 compartments, the bottom is covered with non-slip paper pad, and 20 to 25 chicks are placed in each compartment. During the hot summer, 20 can be placed in each compartment, 80 in each box, and 25 in each compartment, 100 in each box. This will not only benefit the insulation and ventilation, but also prevent the chicks from trampling or swaying in the box.
Second, before the hatchery preparation.
Carry out thorough cleaning and disinfection of the vehicles, boxes, tools and clothing, shoes and caps needed to transport the young. The escort chicks arranged to understand chick habits. Before loading, carefully count the number of chicks, check the quality of the chicks, and adjust the temperature in the compartment to 25-28°C. Arrange the devices such as slats that are conducive to ventilation on the bottom of the compartment. Put the chicken in order and place it in the car. There must be a gap between the compartment body and the row and row of the chicken box. At the same time, the aisle that the personnel can enter and leave is allowed to observe the state of the chick on the road and adjust the interior temperature and the position of the chicken box according to the state.
Third, the hatching time arrangements.
The earliest suitable time for carrying the youngster is as early as possible. Generally, it is better to stand up until 36 hours after the chick's villus dries until it is shelled. It is better not to exceed 48 hours. If the journey is far away and you cannot reach your destination within 36 hours, you should supplement the water on the way. According to the weather, arrange the hatching time. If hot weather is selected for shipment in the evening, arrive in the morning the next morning to avoid high temperature and bring greater stress to the chicks.
Fourth, on the way should pay attention to matters.
Keep the vehicle running smoothly, avoid jolts, sudden braking, and sharp turns; when starting and parking, the speed should be slow to facilitate the chicks' adaptability to changes in speed; the downhill and downhill should be slow, so as to help chicks maintain their center of gravity and avoid crowding together. Damage; When the road is uneven, it should be slow to avoid increasing the vibration due to the speed; In the straight and less road sections, it should be as fast as possible.
To minimize the time spent on the way, the two drivers took turns to drive and alternate meals. The escort personnel always pay attention to the situation of the chicks. When hearing an abnormal call from the chicks, it is urgent to check what causes the cause and make timely adjustments. Turn on the light about half an hour to observe the performance of the chicks. Put your hands into the box to feel overheating. Whether the chicks have water vapor or insert thermometers into the vent holes of the chicken box. Keep the scale outside the box. Check the temperature inside the box and adjust the car at any time. Internal temperature. Keep chicks from getting hot, stuffy, windy and catching cold. For example, see the chicks mouth open, villus moist, mostly high temperature or lack of oxygen, then to expand the ventilation hole and cooling, while the method of combining the box down to bring down the temperature. If you see chicks squeezing into a pile, the bottom of the box is damp, and most of the temperature is too low. In this case, cover sheets or quilts (but not too tightly so as to prevent the chicks from suffocating due to lack of oxygen) to keep warm, so that the temperature rises.
V. Work to reach the destination.
Arrival at the brooding site After the chicks arrive at their destinations, they should be sterilized before entering the venue. The speed of the unloading process should be fast, the action should be light and steady, and the wind and cold should be taken care of. If it is a kind of chicken, it should be placed in its own brooding house according to its lineage and sex, and be isolated. Open the lid, check the status of the chicks, verify the quantity, and fill in the delivery order. In short, as long as the basic principles of carrying out the above-mentioned broodstock are adopted, rapid, timely, comfortable and safe and paying attention to hygiene and epidemic prevention can be successfully completed.

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