Occurrence and integrated control of peanut root knot nematode disease

Peanut root nematode disease is also known as peanut nematode disease, rehmanniae, jaundice and so on. It occurs in all major peanut production areas in China. To Shandong, Hebei, Liaoning and Other provinces heavier. After the peanuts became infected, the root absorption function was destroyed, the plants were short and yellow, the flowers were small and the flowers blossomed late, and the fruit was small. Generally, the yield was reduced by 20-30%, and the serious ones were up to 70-80%. First, the symptoms of symptoms: the main damage to the roots, so that the root of the larvae gradually enlarge the size of small grains to mung bean-sized tumors (insects), and grow in the nodule to a number of indeterminate fibrous roots, fibrous roots and then become victims of tumor formation. After repeated infections, the roots of the whole plant became turbulent at the flowering stage. If the shell is diseased, brown bugs of different sizes can also be produced on the surface. Due to the impediment of the root absorption function, the diseased plants are dwarfed, the stems and leaves turn yellow, the flowering is delayed, and the scarring is very few. About half a month after the emergence of the diseased plant, the aboveground parts can express symptoms, and the most obvious is the group of trees (before and after wheat harvest). By the end of the rain in July and August, the diseased plants changed from yellow to green, but they were still shorter than healthy plants. The difference between the normal root nodules of galls and peanuts is: Azotobacter tuberculosis is mostly on the sides of the main and lateral roots. No fibrous roots are required on the tumors. The inside of the tumor is pale and purple juice. The galls occur at the ends of the roots, making The whole roots are irregularly swollen, with many undefined hairy roots and white sand-like female nematodes. Second, the law of occurrence: pathogenic nematodes mainly eggs and larvae with the disease, disease in the soil or manure in winter, the following year in April when the soil temperature reached 10-12 °C, the eggs hatched as larvae, invade peanut roots, the formation of insects. Peanut root-knot nematodes infested peanuts with two distinct peak periods, occurring 21-31 days after the emergence of the peanuts. The first peak period coincided with a large number of new root growth stages of peanuts, and the second peak period was the second highest. Generation larvae in the soil mouth density growth period. The nematodes are mainly distributed in 40 cm soil layers and move an average of 1 cm per day on sandy soil. The pathogenic nematodes can be transmitted through the diseased fruits and manure mixed with the stubble of the diseased plant residues. They can also be used for the near-distance spread by agricultural implements, humans and animals, and ground water. Generally speaking, the disease is heavy and the crop rotation is light; the sandy loam is seriously ill; , clay loam disease is heavy; early sowing disease is heavy, late sowing disease is light; spring sowing disease is heavy, summer sowing disease is light; drought year is heavy, rainy year is lighter. Third, control methods: prevention and treatment of nematodiasis should be first investigated, and then prevention. The investigation time should be before and after harvest, because the upper part of the plant has obvious symptoms and is easy to identify. 1, agricultural control. Deeply plough the soil, increase the organic fertilizer, create favorable conditions for root growth, and increase resistance to disease. Rotation of crop rotation and rotation of corn, millet, wheat and potato, which are not susceptible to disease, can reduce the density of insect population in the soil, deep-root the roots of the disease and carry out the rooting of the sun; when harvesting, the roots of the plants with galls are killed. Dead bugs, reduce spread of spread. 2, strengthen quarantine. If you do not adjust the seed from the ward, you may call the shell in the country of origin and then adjust the seed if necessary. 3, chemical control. The soil was treated with 3 kg of 80% dibromochloropropane emulsion per acre and 4-5 kg ​​of a 60% dibromoethane emulsion. The method is to apply evenly into the furrows during spring cultivation, and immediately cover the soil so as to avoid volatilization and reduce the efficacy; or use 3% carbofuran granules and sowing at the same time to apply about 3 kilograms per mu; or use 10% Yishubao granules. And 3% Miller pellets about 5 kilograms per acre, ditching facilities; or with a 10% defense line No.1 emulsifiable concentrates of about 3 kg per mu, add fine soil 25 kg into the hole, soil after sowing. Sowing to layer sowing, to prevent injury. 4, biological control. The use of biological preparations such as Paecilomyces lilacinus and Verticillium chlamydospora can significantly reduce the nematode population and disinfect the eggs, and it also has a good control effect on root knot nematodes.

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