Greenhouse Machinery and Equipment (1)

Section I, Preface

Most greenhouse crop production operations require labor. For example, containers used to house crops for implantation may be transported several times in the greenhouse in response to different needs. According to a recent survey of crop production operations, wages account for more than 25% of all operating costs used to produce crops.

The labor and equipment used in the production of greenhouse crops should be regarded as an integral part of the entire system and should not be treated as unrelated items. Furthermore, every job involved in the growth of a crop, whether done by hand or by machine, is related to other jobs. The size of the workload, the type of container used, the production process, available funds, and other factors are all considerations for deciding which material to use for the transport system.

Due to the lack of standard crop growth methods, the differences in the arrangement of facilities in greenhouses, and the variety of crops in greenhouses, the progress of mechanization in greenhouse companies has been slow. Learning some of the basic principles used by other industries to improve the efficiency of greenhouse operations is the focus of this chapter. The following will introduce these principles and point out how to best choose and use these principles.

Section II, job analysis

Job analysis is a technique used to study the rationality of a system and then to improve the operational efficiency of the system. This technique involves the use of diagrams, tables, and plans that show the relationships among ingredients and ingredients.

The job process table shows the topics, categories, and methods. Which job or system to use is the theme of our research. The object of study is the material, personnel, or machine. This is the so-called "category." "Method" refers to the use of existing, proposed or modified systems. Figure 3-1 shows the workflow of a crop transplant operation. When evaluating the work flow sheet, first ask the following questions: Can each event be combined? Can the inspection be cancelled? Can the delay be cancelled or converted to storage? (For explanations of the various terms, please see below).

The process processing table is used to study the details of an operation, so each step must be listed. Basic data such as the direction, distance, and method of material movement are used to determine the transport mode. Individual units such as flowerpots, crops, etc., are also useful data in their planting time. In addition, the time required for the growth of different kinds of greenhouse crops is an important data. The collected data should include manual, machine and space usage, equipment used, assessment factors used, environment, and any other data that will help to understand and improve the operation. Figure 3-2 shows another flow process table used to indicate the use of equipment.

The plan configuration diagram is used to represent a system or to rearrange the configuration of the system to improve operational efficiency. The map should include directions, wind directions, equipment, roads and ground plans for each location. The relevant locations of walls, columns, etc., should be indicated. Figure 3-3 shows the planning configuration of a crop planting facility. The design of the planning map should be based on the following three points:

1. The processed material should be placed in a convenient location for the next process.

2. The distance required for workers to place or obtain materials must be kept to a minimum.

3. During the operation of the machine, if the operator is not required to look around at any time, the operation time of the machine is considered as the operator's free time. Calculating the free time of each operator is a way to evaluate work efficiency.

In any greenhouse, the rate of crop production should be determined by the efficiency of manpower, work, storage space, machinery, growth space, transportation and other work-related facilities. Under a good planning, all work processes and operational requirements are integrated with minimal downtime and new changes are allowed.

Some simple rules can be used to help plan or analyze a system's job schedule. The contents of the job process table can show the status of each point of each material entering this operation process and the sequence of operations, inspections, and the like. This can also be used to check the operation of the entire operation. The flow sheet can show all the operations required to complete a certain job process, including items such as transportation, storage operations, delays, and inspections that may occur during the operation. This table can also be used to know the time required to complete an operating procedure and the distance required to complete a job.

An operation process may include part or all of the production system, and may also be represented by a combination of different types of steps. The so-called operations or operations herein may be defined as any of various activities that change or add to the physical characteristics of a material or object. For example, the mixing of growth media is an operation. In addition to the movement of the material itself during the operation, all actions that must move the material from one location to another are called transfer. For example, moving potted plants from the greenhouse to the assembly area of ​​demand is. Inspections are judged and decided by working individuals. The items include inspections in quantity or quality or verification of a specific situation. For example, check flowers to determine their growth period or flowering period. Storage is an interruption required for certain continuous activities. For example, the root medium must be stored after being mixed for future use. The delay is unwanted or unwanted interruption activity. For example, transplanters must wait for seeds. The continued growth of the stored bulb bulbs or the growth of crops in the greenhouse includes various operating procedures.

The process table can be established depending on the application of materials, personnel or machines. From the table, it can be seen that the movement of the material and all the operation operations added to the material, such as the movement of the worker during the manufacture, the given item, the movement of the machine or the action of the machine, etc.

Section III, Points for Material Movement

First, remove or combine work items

When observing an existing growth operation, first of all, check for unnecessary work that can be removed, such as: frequent changes in the arrangement of the container, repeated movement of the material (replace the airbag back to the crates Medium) and so on. Calculating the cost of doing these additional tasks shows how much profit can be gained by changing the crop's production method.

Some work items may also be considered to be combined or combined to increase the efficiency of the use of labor, such as attaching the screen directly behind the shredder, to reduce excess processing, or to add steam lines to the concrete mixer in order to While carrying out soil mixing, sterilization work is also carried out. Each removed material process saves money.

Second, remove the artificial use of peaks and troughs

In working on crops, the workload in spring is usually the highest. Planting, growth and transportation all take place at the same time. Extra work requires hiring additional staff to help. At other times of the year, especially in the winter, the workload is so low that employees are either dismissed or are only doing some cleaning and maintenance work. Some work such as soil mixing, filling in basins and shallow basins, and drying seeds can be considered for easier winter. Of course, the maintenance of the equipment can also be implemented when the winter is at a leisure time.

Third, keep moving continuously

In the case of moving materials, they can always be moved online with minimal disruption and reversal, and their transport efficiency is usually the highest. The same applies to potted plants and planted areas. Use belts or chain conveyors to connect pots/shallow pots, burrowers and pots. Roller conveyors, merry-go-round conveyors can be used in temporary working areas (accumulation may occur at different machine speeds).

It is very important to adjust the speed of the machine to the speed at which employees work. Machines with variable speed motors can be consistent with workers' progress and work efficiency.

IV. Use assembly line when planting

An assembly conveyor with materials or crops moving on belts is commonly used for filling and replanting operations. The soil-filled container is placed on one end of the slower conveyor, and the worker stands on both sides of the belt and inserts the crop into the basin when the container passes through. A variable speed motor should be used to adjust the belt speed for different conditions. Because workers do not need to move and the belts carry materials at a constant speed, this method is usually more efficient than other methods.

V. Place the materials in an easily accessible place

Storage is an essential part of crop growth. In most of the operations, considerable manpower and time are spent on animal feed and necessities. When designing a configuration map, there are a few basic principles to master:

1. Keep the material transport distance as short as possible.

2. Leave the work area where it is necessary to transport and transport.

3. Store the material in a unit that can be easily transported. For example: pots, cabinets, boxes, bales, bags, etc.

4. The materials stored outdoors must be placed in a well-drained system and easily accessible.

5. Store tags, seeds, and other hardware in storage cabinets or scaffolds for inventory control.

6. Move the material as close as possible to the workspace of the next operation job.

Sixth, mark the material in detail or paste the label

Due to the wide variety of greenhouse crops and the use of a variety of necessities, marking or labeling is the most time-saving method. For crops, printed labels can be applied to basins or shallow basins. Crops in the field can be marked with waterproof signs. For large-scale operations, computers should be used to keep track of the number of crops and their locations. Labels, seeds, hardware, and parts should also be placed in a specific location and appropriately labeled.

VII. Appropriate selection of equipment to avoid bottlenecks

In the design of the material handling system, especially the continuous system must pay attention to whether there is a bottleneck. The rate at which the material enters the system must match the rate at which the material is consumed and the rate at which it exits the system.

When an automation device such as potting or packaging operations, conveyors, storage cabinet feeders, and potted separation panels are part of an assembly line, a uniform flow must be maintained. A variable speed motor is usually required to cooperate with the control.

In manual operations, such as crop planting, the rate of removal of shallow pots for storing crops should be the same as the rate at which crops are grown to reduce the waiting time for energy consumption during material reception or removal.

VIII. Repeated Work First Mechanized

Lifting or carrying heavy objects is a very tiring job and will also reduce the amount of work. Whenever possible, all materials weighing 50 pounds should be handled mechanically. for example:

1. Make the stacker transport and unload bags of fertilizer, lime and peat mixture.

2. Use the conveyor to transport the crop from the ground to the platform of the truck.

3. Use a two-wheeled or three- or four-wheeled cart to transport various types of containers in the greenhouse growth area.

All in all, repeated, boring, time-consuming work should be considered for mechanization.

9. Use gravity to move materials

Gravity can also be used in the greenhouse. Equipment that uses gravity is generally less expensive than equipment that requires power, and because it does not require a motor, operating costs are also lower.

In storage bins or funnel-type inputs, gravity can be used to send bulk materials to pots and cans. To maintain the flow of materials without any obstacles, proper design and structure are required.

If there is a suitable height difference, gravity can also be used to move or remove the containers that hold the crops from the greenhouse growth area. In the United States and Europe, there are many greenhouses built on hillside, potting operations are carried out on the slope top and the transport area is located under the mountain. The crop is transported from the work area to the growing area by a gravity conveyor. When it is sold, it will be sent to the next lower transportation area. Plants that are planted in smaller containers are usually placed on plates or platforms for transport.

X. Standardization of container size, growth media, and mixing methods

The greenhouse industry uses a variety of shallow basins and basins made of different materials by different manufacturers. Due to the inconsistent specifications, the design of machinery and equipment has been slow to develop. The American Society of Agriculturists’ Greenhouse Mechanization Committee is trying to develop some standard-size containers that are acceptable to the industry. Restricting the type and size of the container can reduce the capital and time required to modify the equipment to accommodate a variety of different size containers.

If possible, you should also try to limit the types of growth media used. Storage bins, shapes, and conveying equipment may need to be changed to keep the material flowing smoothly. With each kind of self-residual repose angle, the use of materials such as peat, sawdust and wood chips can often be found in the growth medium in storage bins with bridging. A vibrating device or agitator is needed to keep it flowing.

The nutritional value of chicken
1. Chicken protein content is high, and easily absorbed into the body to use, there is to enhance physical strength, strong body function. In addition, chicken also contains fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, vitamin A, B1, B2, C, E and niacin and other ingredients.
2. Chicken potassium sulfate amino acid content is also very rich, it can make up for lack of cattle and pork.

3. Chicken has more vitamin A than other meat, but its content is worse than that of vegetables or liver, but the content of vitamin A is much higher than that of beef and pork.

The efficacy and role of chicken
1. Chicken sex, warm, sweet, spleen, stomach; can be warm, supplement essence and marrow; for the treatment of Consumption thin, the less virtual diet, diarrhea, dizziness, palpitations, irregular menstruation, postpartum milk less , Diabetes, edema, frequent urination, tinnitus and other deafness.
2. Chicken on malnutrition, cold chills, fatigue, irregular menstruation, anemia, weakness and so have a good therapeutic effect. Chinese medicine believes that the chicken has warm, tonic fill fine, spleen and stomach, live blood, strong bones effect.
3. eat chicken cooking flowers can enhance the liver's detoxification function, improve immunity, prevent colds and scurvy.

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