Crab breeding techniques

The feeding and management of pregnant crabs is an important part of artificial reproduction of crabs. Every year from December to early March of the following year, it is the peak of mating and spawning of crabs. After the pro-crab spawns, it takes more than one month to raise the eggs carefully. During the rearing period, the fertilized eggs in their abdomen enter the stage of embryonic development until the larvae form a film. The fertility of the hatchlings is considered to be the mission of breeding offspring. The feeding process of pregnant crabs is also the hatching process of larvae. If the hatchlings are kept properly, three batches of larvae can be hatched continuously.
One, free-range. Loose breeding refers to the feeding of wild crabs caught in natural sea waters into prepared seawater ponds or artificial breeding of mating crabs and crabs. The free-range management of pregnant eggs and crabs requires management:
1, timely removal of male crabs. If it is in the pro-crab pool to raise the artificially-promoted feral crabs, in order to prevent male crabs from chasing entangled eggs and repeat mating, resulting in female crabs, the male crabs must be completely removed.
2, increase the amount of feeding. In order to obtain sufficient food for the pregnant crabs and crabs, and to prevent the larvae from scooping up their egg masses or eggs with larvae due to lack of food, they have to invest in bait. At the same time, it is also necessary to properly improve the variety of bait and enhance the palatability of the bait.
3. Keep fresh water in the rearing ponds. Generally, fresh water should be injected once every 3 to 4 days. At the same time, attention should be paid to the changes of sea salinity in order to prevent sudden changes in salinity in the sea resulting in embryonic death.
Second, cage care. Each crab cage can be stocked with 20 eggs. The bottom of the cage is paved with stones or bricks, and the long cage type is used to sink the crab cage into the seawater. The sinking depth keeps the crab cage at the lowest level when the sea water is low. Every 3 to 5 days check and feed once, the bait is mainly small fish. Adopting caged crabs, their young crabs are lively and have a high survival rate. The inadequacy of operation and management is inconvenient. (Author: Pan Jilan)

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