Open pond ecological farming turtle technology

Open-air ponds Ecological farming Soft-shelled turtle technology is a healthy breeding method that mimics the natural growth habits of soft-shelled turtles. The breeding period (3 to 4 years) is longer. Therefore, the produced soft-shelled turtles have excellent quality of wild characteristics and are very popular in the market. The average yield per mu is 250-300 kilograms, and the average annual income of the mu is about 6,000 yuan, which has achieved good economic, social, and ecological benefits. In the practice of breeding for many years, a set of more standardized production technical regulations has been explored and tested.

The brief introduction is as follows: I. Ecological breeding pond construction The breeding base should be built in an area with quiet environment, close to water source and no pollution to water. The requirements of the breeding ponds are all earthen ponds, and the square is appropriate. The bottom soil is suitable for sandy loam and the silt is thick. No more than 15cm, the bottom of the pool is required to be flat, the depth of the pond is 1.2-2.5m, the area is generally 3-5 mu, and it is not more than 15 mu. It is possible to build a pro-fung pool, a young clam pond, and a juvenile clam pool with conditions. The pool can be built with anti-escape facilities such as asbestos panels, brick walls, and cement panels. Aquatic grasses should be transplanted in the ponds. In the spring, appropriate shellfish such as snails and cormorants should be put in order to form a good ecological environment in the pool. In addition, if necessary, set up a number of feed stations and sun back habitat.

Second, the breeding and delivery of high-quality seedlings

1. Parents choose and breed natural Chinese sturgeons that grow in natural waters as their parents. They require body weights of 2 to 4 kg and 6 to 7 years of age to reach sexual maturity. They are disease-free and injury-free, and their physique is strong. The ratio of male to female is 4:1. . The pro-family to be purchased should be kept in a special pool with a stocking density of 0.3 to 0.5 eggs per square foot. Feeding on bait should be based on animal feed (live snails, small trash fish, animal organs, etc.), supplemented by The amount of plant feeds (cakes, squash, etc.) and feedstuffs was appropriate, and the daily feed amount was 5% to 8% in ponds.

2. Artificial Incubation and Cultivation At the same time of breeding good relatives, it is necessary to observe and collect eggs in a timely manner by using a constant temperature box or a constant-temperature sand tray (with sand in a sand tray with a 25 mesh screen) for artificial incubation in the room. The temperature is controlled at 33°C-34°C, and the humidity is kept at 81%-82%. The moisture content of the sand in the hotbed is controlled at 7%-8%. After 36-38 days, the juvenile clams and hatchlings are hatched. The juvenile clams should be fed separately in graded pools, and mainly live bait such as leeches, silkworms, minced fish, etc. should be used for intensive cultivation. During the winter, it is necessary to do a good job of anti-freezing facilities in order to increase the survival rate of overwintering. 3, seedlings use the earth pond to raise earthworms at room temperature, in the spring of April to June began to plant. It is suitable to put juveniles weighing more than 15g, requiring tidy scales, the same age, and strong physique. For those species that are purchased in other places, they should be raised and raised for a period of one month before they are put in. Put potassium permanganate and other drugs before use to disinfect, to prevent the occurrence of disease, put the seedling density generally 600 mu/mu. In addition, aquaculture ponds should be stocked with appropriate species of white peony, squid, stingray, and other types of shrimp to increase water use efficiency.

Third, Chengyu breeding at room temperature Natural water temperature open-mouth culture of Chinese sturgeon, requiring the creation of turtles as much as possible to grow the ecological environment, the implementation of scientific management, are: 1, feed feeds to live bait-based, with some of the plant food for self With feed, the main types are: fresh snails, small trash fish, animal viscera, cakes, bran, pumpkin, etc., and artificial compound feed. When the water temperature rises above 18°C, the feed is started. Weight 3% to 6%. Feeding 1-2 times a day, depending on the water temperature and weather conditions, can be combined with a small amount of photosynthetic bacteria and other biological agents when feeding, generally do not use turtle fish pellet feed, disable additives and hormone-containing or residual drugs. 2, water quality regulation and disease prevention and control. In the process of breeding half-marine turtles, the key to controlling turtle disease and improving turtle quality is water environment control. The key is to do a good job of water quality control, try to create a natural growth environment for turtles, and establish the ecological balance of water bodies. The main tasks should be as follows: Pond ecological setting. First, shellfish, such as live snails and river clams, will be released in the spring from March to April; 200 kg will be planted in the spring of April and April. Second, transplanted plants will have to be transplanted with Vallisneria, Elodea, and water hyacinth, covering an area of ​​1/3 to create a good environment. Eco-environment to achieve self-purification in the pond. 2 Regularly add water and change the water. Change the amount of water and add water every 10 to 15 days. Generally, the amount of water changed should not exceed one third, so as to keep the water fresh and stable. 3 Regularly sprinkle quicklime to adjust the water quality and keep the pH stable. 4 Control feeding, reduce bait damage to the water environment. The first feeding of bait should be controlled within 2 hours; secondly, insist on checking to avoid overfeeding causing the bait to damage the water quality. 5 Add microbial products regularly. Such as photosynthetic bacteria, etc., can be regularly spilled and added to the bait every day, to play a role in purifying water, preventing disease, promoting bait conversion rate. In terms of disease prevention and control, we must adhere to the principle of ecological prevention and control, supplemented by drug prevention, and regular feeding of baits and the use of bactericidal and insecticidal drugs to prevent sputum according to needs. Drug use must comply with the provisions of NY5071-2001. 3, the pool management Each year according to the growth of crickets, timely selection, the size of the basic consistent with the raising, to prevent slaughter and disease, is conducive to the management of turtle breeding, and promote growth.

Fourth, from the catch-up market after 3 to 4 years of open-air breeding at normal temperature, the turtles generally reach about 500 grams of culture, this time we must according to the market, timely arrest and listing, available trap or dry pond capture. When it comes to listing, the company or association shall organize the external sales of the brand.

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