Four ways to farm tweezers

Drug breeding can effectively prevent the occurrence of rickets and increase the economic benefits of artificial breeding.
Calcium soil therapy - 20 tablets of calcium per square meter (ground powder) and a little amount of glucose powder, added to the grazing soil in the dumplings, and completed at the same time in each pot or sink, which can supplement the pregnancy and The nutritional needs of the larvae promote procreation of the puerpera and larvae.
Drinking water therapy - Each 500 can have terramycin 2 tablets, vitamin B 3 tablets and vitamin B 12 tablets together to research fine, add appropriate amount of cold water to open, put the sponge full of liquid medicine, on the body of the most Let the dice drink. Usually administered once or twice a month, each time for 3 consecutive days. This method can prevent anorexia and indigestion and various rickets.
Fasting Therapy: Each gentiocarpus can be used with 2 gentamycins and 1 levamisole, mixed with cool water, and the sponges can be absorbed and put on the body for drinking. Gentamicin was used for 3 days and levamisole was used only once. This method can prevent lice disease and improve the disease resistance of wolfberry fruit. The newly introduced seedlings can be used in the first 3 days and can be fed 3 days later. It is recommended that new breeders can take a test.
Dietary therapy - 10 tablespoons, 10 tablets of vitamin C10, and 3 tablets of oxytetracycline per 1000 to 1500 grams of mealworms, mixed and ground to a fine powder, and mixed with a bit of cornmeal, bean flour and fishmeal (replaced with full-price chicken feed Can also be) after mixing, feed once every 7 days Tenebrio, and then eat the medicine plus nutrient feed Tenebrio feeding lice. Feeding once every 10 days or so can effectively prevent the occurrence of various rickets, and also improve the immune ability of lice, especially suitable for feeding young crickets of 2 to 3 years of age and young fleas at the mating stage.
(Guangxi Zhongshan County Local Taxation Bureau 542600 Lu Minghua Zhou Heng)

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