Eco-cotton simplified cultivation techniques (1)

With the development of market economy, withering of agricultural structure and the rise of township and village enterprises, the transfer of agricultural labor force, and the development of high-yield, high-quality, and high-efficiency agriculture is imperative. Large cotton production investment, complex management, and more labor, how to save investment, achieve efficient labor, improve output, increase efficiency from both open source and throttling, take the path of simplifying cultivation, it is very urgent and important for cotton production. . Eco-cotton tests and demonstrations have been promoted throughout the country and have achieved remarkable results of early maturity, high quality, increased production, and increased income. Generally, it can increase the yield by 30 to 60%, increase the pre-frost flower by 15% to 20%, and increase the clothing content by 1% to 2%.
1. Simplification of pruning: The cotton research institute and the Academy of Agricultural Sciences carried out research on the biological characteristics and utilization of leaf shoots. It is believed that fruit shoots, buds, flowering, ringing, and boll opening can be grown on leaf shoots, leaf branches should be preserved, and leaf branches should be actively promoted. To thrive and make full use of its flowering and belling advantages, these leaves will be turned into waste. The stems of the leaves are distributed from mid-July to mid-August and are in the period of photoperiod and rich sunshine. They can supplement the high-quality bells and increase the fiber quality and yield. Preserved leaf shoots have a compensatory effect on the fruit segment of the population, and the total fruit section is more than the removal of leaf shoots. Ringing on the branches of the leaves has a compensatory effect on the ringing of the groups. Leaves are left standing and the number of rings is 50-70% more than that of the debriding branches. Retaining leaf shoots will inhibit the growth of the main stem, reduce the plant height and shorten the internodes, thus reducing the sprouting of liquid shoots on the fruit stems of the stem. The compensatory effect of leave leaves is greater than the inhibitory effect, which is the potential of the use of leaf branches, and the use of leaf branches can save labor, compensate for the lack of groups, and achieve the goal of high yield and high quality.
2. Rational fertilization: Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are indispensable for plant growth. Calcium, magnesium, and boron are also essential elements for cotton growth. Production of 1000 kg of seed cotton requires 72 kg of pure nitrogen, 12 kg of phosphorus, 48 ​​kg of potassium, and 6:1:4 (30% of fertilizer is lost in the soil). Fertilization points: "Foot, light, stable, heavy, and complementary." When these elements are lacking and the supply is insufficient, the normal growth of cotton plants will be affected, resulting in the emergence of dwarfism, loss of leaves, and yellowing of cotton plants. It is often mistaken for a disease, but it is actually due to malnutrition. A. Nitrogen Fertilizer: The composition of protein, chlorophyll, vitamins and amino acids in the cotton plant body means that nitrogen is also indispensable. Therefore, the quantity required is large. When the supply of nitrogen in the field soil is insufficient, the cotton plant is short, thin, weak, and the boll weight is low, the bell is small, the velvety is short, and premature senescence occurs. The old leaves in the lower part of the cotton plant turn yellow and lose green. When nitrogen is severely deficient, the young leaves on the upper part of the cotton plant will gradually turn red from yellow to brown and dry. B. When the supply of phosphate fertilizer is insufficient, the cotton plants grow slowly, the stalks are brittle, the plants are short, the leaves are small, the leaves are dark green, the leaves are more, the roots are not well developed, the seeds are not full, the flocculation is late, the yield is low, and the quality is poor. C. Cotton itself is a potassium-promoting crop. Potassium promotes the growth of shoots, branches, leaves, buds and bells of cotton plants and the growth of underground roots, promotes photosynthesis and prolongs them. During the ten-function period, the bell-ringing rate of autumn peaches will increase, the bell will be strong, the bell will be large, the maturity will be good, and the resistance will be strong and the product quality will be good. When there is a shortage of potassium in the field, the cotton leaves often turn red from yellow to yellow, and the mosaic leaves during the red-yellow period are called cotton stem blight, which is easily confused with cotton verticillium wilt disease. However, the symptoms of potassium deficiency in cotton grow from bottom to top, from leaf to center, and from leaf tip to petiole. In the long-term lack of potassium, the whole plant became ill. “The leaves are shriveled, brittle, reddish-brown, and even dry. The cotton plants lacking potassium have undeveloped root systems. The lateral roots are short and the color becomes brown and premature. It causes the bolls to be small and not mature. The quality of the fiber is reduced, which can be severely reduced by 80%.1 When zinc is deficient, the cotton has small leaves, and the vein tissue is lost, and there are necrotic spots.2 When there is a deficiency of manganese, there is a loss of veins between the veins, and there is chlorosis on the slice. Spots, severe short internodes and shorter plants.3 When boron is deficient, the apical buds of cotton plants often become necrotic, the cotton plants grow dwarf and many branches, the lower old leaves are hypertrophy, dark green, become brittle, veins prominent: 4 severely missing In the case of boron, the leaves are curled in the opposite direction, shriveled, and the leaves are open, and the buds are easily detached, with little flowering or no flowers.5 The lack of magnesium sounds, the leaves are green, the veins are still green, and the leaves are rippled. Shaped or rolled up, stunted.6 Iron deficiency, poor root development, leaf loss, severe yellowing or whitening of the entire leaf, plant dwarf, but want to produce more than 1000 kg per mu, these elements can not meet the cotton need.
3. Pharmaceutical treatment: It is a high-tech biological preparation based on more than 70 kinds of organic nutrients and rare nutrients required for the physiological characteristics of cotton in life and the diseases that occur. It can be completely absorbed by cotton, and it can be used directly and naturally generated in the cotton breaks. Sterilize disease-resistant substances, form protective films, quickly lignify, and produce immune antibodies. After years of extensive use, it proves that it can supply nutrients, regulate the balance, increase the efficiency of fertilizer use, resist drought, resist cold, resist paralysis, and make the roots develop. Stem thick green leaves, Baohua Bao Ling Paul leaves, flowers and more bells, round glossy, resistant to insect pests, increase production is particularly obvious. At the same time, it inhibits roots, stumbling, erecting, withering, yellowing, red rot, anthrax, yellow (red), and stems and stems, thus achieving high yield and double income.
4. Seeding and seedling preservation: Sowing is the first link in the cotton production of pressure limit, “there is money to buy seed, no money to buy seedlings, there are seedlings into three incomes,” sowing seedling emergence requirements: First, a sowing, a full seedling. Requirements to achieve early, full, homogeneous, uniform and strong. "Early" is timely sowing; "All" means no shortage of seedlings and ridges; "Qi" means that the germination is strong, and the cotton seedlings are neat; "uniform" means that the seedlings are evenly spaced and the balance is growing; "strong" is the roots of healthy growth. steady. Generally before and after the rain (in late April) is appropriate, when the ground temperature is stable at 5 °C at 14 °C, seize the "cold tail warmer" sowing. “It was early in the morning and early in the morning and late in the summer. The sowing of Gu Yu was at the time.” The specific sowing period for each year should also be based on the climate characteristics of the year. If the spring is warmer sooner or later, the soil moisture, frost sooner or later and the temperature to determine. Sandy soils with rapid rising temperatures can be broadcast first; clays and depressions with high soil moisture and low temperature rise can be post-planted; open frosts can end early if sown, and early sowing can be achieved: Valleys are susceptible to frost attacks and can be sown at an appropriate time. : Saline-alkaline soil is cool, temperature rises slowly, and should be sowed late. It is best to transplant seedlings.
After the emergence of each other crowded, if not time seedlings, Dingmiao, will form a line seedlings or weak seedlings. The timing and frequency of seedlings depends on the ability to control pests and diseases. The seedlings can be divided into two. For the first time after Qimiao, retain the strong seedlings, pull weak seedlings and diseased seedlings, and do not leave the leaves. The second time when 1-2 true leaves. Dingling in the three-leaf period, when the base of the stem has been lignified to resist adverse environmental capacity, not easy to die. Light pests and diseases can be seeded once and must be seedled. The cultivator can increase the ground temperature, reduce the evaporation of water, promote the growth of roots, control the pests and diseases, and cultivate strong seedlings and early childbirth. Three cultivators are usually used during the seedling stage. The first time in the cotyledon stage, combined with seedlings. Early and medium tillage can increase the ground temperature around the roots, promote the early emergence of roots, increase the absorptive capacity, make the true leaves early and enhance the resistance of the seedlings. It can also remove the soil compaction and protect it. The cultivator is 4-5 cm deep. The second cultivator combined with Dingmiao, the depth can reach 6-7 cm, do not rub soil. The third cultivator was 7-8 cm deep before budding. At this time it has entered in June, the temperature has risen, the roots have become stronger, the growth of the aboveground parts has been accelerated, the deep cultivator has been able to disperse the crusts, promote the roots to shoot down, and control the internodes, which is even more important in the more fat cotton fields.
5. Pressing seedlings in a timely manner: 7-8 true leaves of cotton plants mark the time when cotton enters vegetative growth and reproductive growth. It requires long roots, stems, leaves, branches, but also buds and growing fruit branches. However, this period is still centered on long-haired trees and still dominated by vegetative growth. In the bud stage, the root growth of the cotton plant was very fast, the main root elongation increased 4-5 times faster than the plant height above the shoot, and the ability to absorb fertilizer was also significantly enhanced. At this time, the average daily temperature generally exceeds 20°C, and the light is sufficient to meet the normal growth of cotton. However, in the event of rainy weather, the cotton plants will grow and nutrients will be consumed on the stems and leaves, resulting in high plant height, large leaves, many branches, long sections, unpleasant shelter between the rows, poor ventilation and light transmission, and photosynthesis. Weakened, the buds are not adequately nutritious, resulting in the loss of a large amount of bells in the middle and lower parts. After the budding bells fall off, it causes the cotton plants to go further and grow into a vicious circle. As a result, we couldn't hold the early buds and couldn't sit in the morning peaches, forming what we often call "high, large, empty." Therefore, the focus of management is to regulate the relationship between vegetative growth and reproductive growth of cotton plants through scientific management, so that the two can coordinate growth. To be strong but not mad, steady and not declining, we have established a high-yield shelf and steadily increased buds, and on the basis of early-onset strong seedlings, we will achieve stable growth, long growth and good growth. Therefore, it is necessary to press the seedlings, and it has been proved that the average height of the seedling cotton is 15 cm or more deeper than that of the unpressed seedlings. To promote the development of the root system, play a role in drought resistance, disease resistance, and yield increase.
6. Plastic film cover: Plastic film cover cultivation is a protective cultivation technique and a major reform and development of crop cultivation technology. The effect of plastic film mulching on soil in cotton fields: increase soil temperature, preserve soil moisture, improve soil physical properties, accelerate nutrient conversion and utilization, and help inhibit soil salinization. Line cover: When sowing, the film covers the middle of the cotton line. The film is covered on the sowing line, with one film and one row. The air is evenly distributed and the seedlings are easily placed. After wheat transplanting and wheat field planting: years of practice has proved that transplanting cotton seedlings, both in wheat transplanting or wheat just planting is an effective measure for the harvest of both grain and cotton. It can sow early, easy to transplant does not need to set aside cotton, is conducive to the increase of wheat production:, but also in the cotton field for comprehensive sowing, deep base fertilizer, the implementation of mechanical operations.
7, weeding: cotton before sowing, before planting before sowing or before transplanting per acre (667m2) with 72% Dole lOOml. (90% Naixon 60ml or 50% acetochlor 120ml,) water spray 100 kg on the ground, soil texture sticky, organic matter content high with high dose; soil organic matter content is low, texture loose with low dose, mulch Field can reduce the amount of 1/3 of the drug, wheat cotton sleeve according to the actual area of ​​medication. During the middle period, annual grasses and weeds for weeds and seals are used, and 50 ml of 5% konjac grass is used per mu (or 10.8 per cent of straw is effective at 30.8%) + Dole (or Nius.)
8. Pest control

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