Common potted plant cultivation tips

1. Tips for plum blossom in the spring

The plum can be moved into the greenhouse and sunny before the Spring Festival. The date of flowering can be controlled by the level of temperature. Generally about 10°C at room temperature, 3 weeks in advance should be used.

During the flowering period, water should be sprayed on the branches and around the flowerpots frequently to increase the air humidity and to facilitate the blooming of buds.

Watering the pot should not be too much, so as not to cause rot and buds, but it should not be too dry, it will make the bud dry, the flower is not neat.

If the buds are still small from the Spring Festival, the temperature should be raised to 20-25°C in time to promote flowering. If the budding buds are not open until the Spring Festival, then the pot plants should be moved to a low temperature environment and rare sunlight should be used to delay the flowering period.

2, to avoid the flowers Camellia blossom size years

(1) Carefully cultivate and apply four fertilizers (floral fertilizer, post-harvest fertilizer, flower bud fertilizer, and preserved bud fertilizer)

There are many camellias flowering period of 4 to 5 months, and the consumption of nutrients is particularly large. With prolonged periods of watering or raining, nutrients in pots and soils are lost to water, making the nutrients in pots and pots and soils consumed, and then tightened. Then we need to grow leaf buds. We must have sufficient fertility.

To break the "flowering period without fertilizer" routine, flowering phase is still followed by phosphorus and potassium-based liquid fertilizer, once a week, continuous pouring until flowering is completed, so that flower diameter, bright colors, single flower opening time is consistent, flowers After the yellow leaves less.

However, the concentration of fertilization is reduced by 1 to 20% compared to the usual one. Fertilizers are applied after flowering in March and April, mainly nitrogen. 2% urea can be added to the manure, then 2 pounds of manure solution, 8 pounds of water, and 3 to 5 days can be used to promote multiple sprouts and ensure that the new branches are strong, dark green leaves, and strong photosensitivity.

From May to June, flower bud differentiation fertilizer was applied, mainly phosphorus fertilizer. You can add 5% of superphosphate or calcium magnesium phosphate dipping in the manure, and add 2 parts of fertilizer solution and 8 parts of water. At the same time with 2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate spray both sides of the front and back, 3 to 5 days once a total of 4~% times. Can promote flower bud differentiation, so that the plant more long buds, grow good buds.

From October to October, he pursued Bao Bao Fei. In particular, after the buds have to be topdressed with phosphate and potassium fertilizer-based liquid fertilizer. Take 2 parts of fertilizer solution and 8 parts of water, once a week, so that the flower buds have sufficient nutrient supply and will not bud the buds due to lack of fertilizer.

(2) Meet the light of the plants

Although the camellias are pleasing to the shade, they are not to be lighted all year round. In winter and spring, they must receive full sunshine. In particular, from April to June, there should be direct sunlight throughout the day.

If there is insufficient sunlight, photosynthesis is not enough, fertilizer is more, and tree vigor is no better, it is also difficult to form flower buds and grow more and better buds.

In the summer and early autumn, when the sun is strong and the temperature is high, we must also accept the sun and the setting sun. It is only at noon that we should avoid sun exposure and we must cover about 50% of the light. The method is to place the plants in a shed and under a big tree.

(3) Pest control

Scale insects and red spiders are also one of the causes of the year-round flowering of camellia. They absorb plant nutrients and make it difficult for the plants to form flower buds or buds. They must be checked frequently and killed in time.

3, Cyclamen summer new method of conservation

(1) The family living in the bungalow

In June each year, the flowering cyclamen is moved outside and placed under a tree or in a north facing shed to prevent strong light. Only guaranteeing one hour of sunshine every morning and evening can meet the requirements of the cyclamen's hilarity and glare. At the same time, some fresh water is sprayed on the leaves every day, and the rest is managed as usual. Be careful not to fertilize and prevent the soil temperature from rising.

(2) The family living in the building

In May of each year, Cyclamen has basically stopped growing. Morning glory is planted in pots of Cyclamen species, and fine wire is used to grow morning glory along the wire, protecting the cyclamen in it. . The pots are placed on the sunny balcony, spraying some water every day, not too much. Be careful not to fertilize and prevent the soil temperature from rising. In this way, a microclimate suitable for the cyclamen's dormancy can be naturally formed in the balcony and the flowerpot, and the flowers in it are beautiful and beautiful. Cyclamen blooms unbeaten in this environment throughout the summer.

4. How to avoid the leaf buds of cineraria

The leaves of Cinnamomum latifolia are caused by abnormal growth and development due to improper cultivation and management.

(1) Temperature

The geranium is liked to be cool and cool, and it is better to form 10 to 15°C when forming buds in winter. If it is higher than 20°C, it is easy to incur leggy or even not to bloom.

(2) Lighting

Gourd of chrysanthemum hi light, to maintain enough light, it is beneficial to its pregnant buds, if insufficient light, poor ventilation, can also lead to plant height, thin leaves, flowers less.

(3) Fertilizer

The chrysanthemum is hi-fertilizer, but phosphorus and potash fertilizers should be used after the winter to lay the nutrient basis for the pregnant buds. If the nitrogen fertilizer is too much, it can easily cause the foliage to affect the flowering.

5, how to make the four seasons Begonia flower blooming

(1) Spring sunshine should be sufficient

In the spring, the four-seasoned sea otters can be placed in a place where the sun is sunny and maintained, and proper ventilation should be observed. Autumn and winter can not be placed in the outdoor environment with frost and snow, the basin can be moved to the more sunny balcony. Pottery soil should be dry to see wet, every 7 to 10 days pouring a nitrogen, phosphorus combined with a thin organic fertilizer solution, so that lush foliage, bloom continuously.

(2) Shade cooling in summer

Shading and cooling are the key measures for raising the four seasons in summer. The optimum temperature for the four-season sea bream is 18-22°C. When the temperature rises above 25°C, care should be taken to properly shade and spray the water around the basin to increase the air humidity in the small area and reduce the temperature so as to facilitate the budding of the four seasons. . In the summer season, the four seasons generally enter a semi-dormant state. In this case, watering and fertilization should be appropriately controlled, and the pots should be moved to a cool, cool place with scattered light to prevent direct sunlight. In this case, the pots and soils should be offset. Well, otherwise it will cause rot. Under such circumstances, the four seasons will break the dormancy and continue to grow and blossom.

(3) To strengthen fertilizer and water management in late autumn

As the autumn air turned cold and the sunshine faded, the four seasons began to grow vigorously. At this time, the pots should be moved to a half-light spot to strengthen the management of fertilizers and water. The watering should be sufficient to keep the potted soil wet. A thin pancake fertilizer solution should be applied once a week. This will make the leaves green and colorful. Before and after the frost fall into the room and put it into the sunny warm place. If the room temperature can last above 15°C, then apply thin fertilizer and reduce the amount of watering properly to continue flowering.

(4) Spray the water frequently on the leaf surface

To make the four seasons more blooming and graceful, there are two essential measures:

1 To pick up the heart in time, after flowering in both spring and autumn, a tender stem with a section of flowering stem must be removed together with the residual flower to promote the regeneration of the lower axillary bud. After about half a month, the flower buds can be reproduced on the top of the new shoots. After each picking, the watering should be reduced. After the new shoots are germinated, normal watering can be performed.

2 In the four seasons, the jellyfish should always spray water to the leaves during the whole growth period. After each heart-pickup, the water spray should be suspended for a few days to prevent the wound from rot. This will help maintain the tenderness and posture, and enhance the ornamental effect.

6. How to extend the flowering period of Phnom Penh in Phnom Penh

Phnom Penh is a precious ornamental plant. The following cultivation methods can extend the flowering period by about one time.

(1) Basin soil should be suitable

Cultivation with good permeability mud pot, basin size should be moderate. Basin soil must be used with loose air, good drainage, and rich humus slightly acidic soil. Generally, it is better to use mountain mud or rot leaf soil plus 1/3 wood chips or coal ball ash plus a small amount of cooked cake residue.

(2) Watering should be appropriate

Because of their avoidance of water accumulation, watering should master the principle of seeing and seeing wet. In particular, during the summer, Phnom Penh is in a semi-dormant state. To make the soil slightly dry, spray the leaves once or twice a day and sprinkle water around them to increase the air humidity.

(3) Reasonable fertilization

Grasp the principles of applying thin fertilizers, apply nitrogen fertilizer solution from June to June, and apply nitrogen fertilizer every 10 days to promote the germination of new leaves. From July to August, the root fertilizer should be stopped due to the high temperature in summer, but it can be combined with water spray. Spraying 0.3% of potassium dihydrogen phosphate 2 to 3 times on the leaf surface to promote strong leaf thickness; applying phosphorus-based liquid fertilizer in September, once every 10 days to promote flower bud differentiation and budding; after winter Due to the cold weather, the root fertilizer is stopped and the leaves are sprayed with 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate one time before and after noon on a sunny day, which can improve the ability of the plants to resist cold, early flowering and strong flowers, blooming and blooming. long. Stop fertilizer after flowering.

(4) Attention to light and ventilation

The end of spring to mid-autumn season should be placed in a well-ventilated and shady place. Avoid sunlight exposure in summer and autumn, and try to receive as much sunlight as possible after late autumn.

(5) timely pruning

This is the key to extending the flowering period. Take advantage of its resistance to pruning and apical dominance, take to the top to promote the method of pruning. From the beginning of June to the first half of July, half of the new shoots or new shoots of the current year were subtracted in stages, (cut branches can be used for water cuts), and the new shoots (summer shoots) of the lateral shoots under the cut should be promoted. After Phyllostachys praecox flower buds and pregnant buds were introduced into the autumn, the uncut spring buds had already stopped growing. After the autumn, flower bud differentiation and pregnancy buds were performed. After trimming, the summer shoots that germinated did not stop growing in the early autumn, and flower buds differentiated slightly. In the evening, it will be opened in the morning and evening at the time of flowering, thus prolonging the flowering period.

(6) Do not move pots during flowering

Phnom Penh is very delicate during flowering. Do not move the potted flowers, otherwise the flowers will fall off and shorten the flowering period.

7, Du Fu cultivation tips

(1) Basin change

The change of the pots is done after flowering. The seedlings are made once every 2 to 3 years. The time for the big seedlings is longer. To change the basin into a new culture soil, usually add some ash or sawdust to the garden soil and mix it with decomposed cake fertilizer, etc., or directly purchase the bagged soil sold on the market.

Fertile soil is fertile and slightly acidic. The soil particles should not be too fine, otherwise unfavorable drainage. Do not use the soil from the roadside casually.

When you change the basin, you need to gently cut away the old soil and decayed roots (do not injure the healthy root system), and put the whole pot into the pot. The distance between the bandits and the wall of the pot is about 3 cm. Otherwise, the pot is not properly selected. The potted earth should be level with the earthworms. Don't go too deep, otherwise it will affect the development of the new root system. After that, it was irrigated and moved to a half shade. After half a month, it resumed normal management.

(2) Fertilization

1 see seedlings? o fertilizer: general seedlings do not apply fertilizer, 4 months after the start can be applied thin liquid fertilizer; next spring should be more nitrogen and potassium fertilizer to speed up the vegetative growth. In the 2 to 3 years of adulthood, phosphate fertilizers should be applied to increase the flowering rate and flower color. In the old age, more nitrogen fertilizer can be applied to promote the regeneration of the leaves and leaves, rejuvenate the tree, and extend the age of the tree.

2Appropriate fertilization: Applying NPK-based light fertilizer to promote the germination of branches and leaves from 2nd to 3rd month of early spring; 4th to 5th month is the period of growth and development with luxuriant branches and roots, and the roots germinate rapidly. Phosphate fertilizer is preferred, and potash fertilizer is preferred. Supplementary, every 5 days; fertility should be stopped during the summer heat; 8 to September in the autumn growth period in the application of thin phosphorus, potassium, once every 10 days; early winter can be applied once all-element basal fertilizer.

1 Less application of thin fertilizer: The rhizome of Azalea is fine as hair. During the whole growth process, less fertilization is required. If the dosage is high and the concentration is high, not only can it not be absorbed by the root system, but it will also have a reverse osmosis effect, and the cell fluid in the plant body will be sucked out, and the root hair will be burned, and yellow leaves, dry stems and even death will appear. In this case, stop the fertilizer immediately, continue watering, dilute the liquid fertilizer, in order to save.

2 Carefully use basal fertilizer: For 2 to 3 year old azaleas, in the early winter each year, 3 cm deep ditch along the wall of the basin can be used. Apply a small and light basal fertilizer once. Cover the thin soil and allow it to slowly dive into the soil with watering. For plant absorption. As the fertilizer absorbs sunlight and heat, heat is generated in the evening and it is also conducive to the growth of the plants in the winter.

3 before the fertilizer control of water, fertilizer after the flood: fertilization required before fertilization before drying, otherwise the fertilizer can not be dispersed in the mud retention, ventilation and permeability is hindered, easy to rot. After fertilization, the next morning can be poured large water, fertilization material fully penetrated and dissolved to facilitate plant absorption.

Particularly worth mentioning is that Du Fu likes green fertilizer. Can be used in the cylinder or in the covered glass, plastic bottles bubble leek leaves, melon, orange peel, etc., closed fermentation cooked. Then take the upper layer of night, in the normal application of fertilizer solution, add 10 times diluted green fertilizer water, the effect is significant. Green manure is rich in organic matter and is slightly acidic, and its fertility is moderate. It does not hurt the root system and can make plants grow robustly.

8, Western Rhododendron family conservation tips

Many varieties of Western azaleas are very suitable for family cultivation, such as Hamburger No.1, Dutch Choi Ha, Pure White Billy, Good Powder and so on.

(1) Planting time

The spring and autumn seasons are appropriate, and autumn is the most appropriate. At this time, the buds of azaleas have been formed, and home ownership has been substantial, and the temperature is getting cooler, which is extremely beneficial to the growth and blooming of the following year.

(2) Basin soil selection

The pine needles of larch were used for direct cultivation after slight decomposing, and no other soil was added. If you do not get pine needles, other slightly acidic humus can be used, but you must ensure that the soil loose, breathable, good water permeability. The pots were too dry and overly compacted, and they were all poor in azaleas. The flowerpots should not be large, and mud pots are appropriate. The pots and plastic pots are not suitable for cultivation due to poor air permeability.

(3) Watering and Fertilizing

It is best to store tap water for reuse. Others such as rainwater and river water can be used. Watering should be done thoroughly and no external wet and dry phenomenon can be formed. Fertilization should be based on the principle of thin fertilization.

(4) Cultivation environment

The azaleas prefer a warm, moist, half-shade and semi-yang environment, and do not like direct sunlight. Into the summer and autumn seasons, direct sunlight should be avoided so as not to dry the blades. The winter temperature should be maintained above 0°C. If it is too low, it will produce cold damage and acceptable sunshine. Indoor cultivation to ensure scattered light and maintain good ventilation.

(5) Pest control

The major diseases of Western azaleas are lobular and black spot diseases. Lobular disease is caused by spider mites. It mainly damages young leaves, making them curled and not prosperous. The main onset period is the spring and fall seasons each year, and dicofol can be used to prevent it in advance. The main seasonality of black spot disease is summer and autumn. If pesticides such as chlorpyrifos or chlorothalonil are sprayed before the onset of disease, they can be prevented by spraying half an month. At the same time, be careful not to collect water in the basin during the rainy season and maintain good ventilation. Some other insect pests can be controlled by pesticides such as the enemy.

9, to avoid peony bud dry and spring flowering method

Potted peony should be selected plant type dwarf, adaptable flowers, colorful varieties, such as Luoyang red, Zhao powder, Hu Hong, Lantian jade and other varieties. Cultivation should be moderately pruned to keep the plant fresh and balanced. To prevent the buds from drying out, remove the sprouts of the root neck (commonly known as soil buds) in the early spring, and select a certain number of flower buds on the branches to remove the rest.

When the potted peony is about to sprout in the early spring, it should be permeable once. Apply an organic fertilizer solution, then water again, and loosen the topsoil. Observe the pelt white, then water when appropriate, when the flower buds stretch to about 15 cm, moderate water control, timely loose soil, can not be large water and fertilizer to promote flower buds when the development of full color, should immediately watering.

Another can be applied to the micro-rapid combination of chemical fertilizer to promote flowering, or pouring a second beer, a second organic fertilizer, promote flowering, stop fertilizing in the summer and half shade. At the end of autumn, it is also necessary to apply a fully cooked cake fat to lay the foundation for the spring flowering.

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