Structure and operation principle of radiator temperature control valve

The heat quota in the general user's room is controlled by the radiator waiting for the temperature to grasp the valve. The radiator waiting temperature mastering valve is assembled by a temperature controller, a flow regulating valve and a pair of coupling members, wherein the central component of the temperature controller is a sensor unit, that is, a warm pack.
The temperature package can sense the change of the ambient heat and cause the volume change, and the displacement of the valve spool of the regulating valve is generated, thereby adjusting the water volume of the radiator to change the heat dissipation amount of the radiator. The temperature setting of the temperature control valve can be artificially adjusted, and the temperature control valve will actively grasp and adjust the water volume of the radiator according to the setting, so as to achieve the goal of mastering the indoor heat. The temperature control valve is normally installed in front of the radiator, and actively adjusts the amount of food to meet the room temperature required by the residents.
The temperature control valve has two-way temperature control valve and three-way temperature control valve. The three-way temperature control valve is mainly used for single pipe system with overpass pipe. Its splitting coefficient can be varied from 0 to 100%, and the flow adjustment room is large, but the price is more expensive and the structure is simpler. Two-way temperature control valves are used for double-tube system and some are used for single-tube system. The two-way temperature control valve used for the double pipe system has a large barrier; the barrier used for the single pipe system is small. The temperature sensing package of the temperature control valve and the valve body are normally assembled into a single body, and the temperature sensing package itself is the on-site indoor heat sensor. Then, it is necessary to adopt a short-range heat sensor; the short-range heat sensor is placed in a room for temperature control, and the valve body is placed in a certain part of the heating system.