Soybean yield nine measures

1. The selection of good varieties for planting soybeans requires selection of precocious, branched, multifarious, large-grained, sweet-tasting pods, and more resistant to pests and diseases.
2, fertilizer dressing seed disinfection before sowing every kilogram of beans with 3 grams of molybdic acid, 35% of pheromone 4 grams dissolved in 500 grams of water, stir, the solution was sprayed on the bean seed, dry after sowing.
3, timely sowing In order to make soybeans evenly supply the market, must be sowed in batches in batches, harvested in batches to improve economic efficiency. As for the number of batches, how long the time between plantings depends on the planting area, product volume, market sales, production and marketing capabilities, and scientific arrangements.
4. For cultivating and planting mulching film, the width of the sill film is determined. The open field cultivation can be made into 1.0-meter wide or 1.3-meter wide and 25-30 cm high cymbals. 6000-6500 litters per acre are planted, and 2 plants per bush are kept. During the flowering period, if soybeans are excessively inundated, the damage caused by the accumulated water in the land will result in the falling of the pods. Therefore, in addition to the sorghum planting, four drainage ditch shall be established.
5, Shizu base fertilizer must go out of the soybean is the legume crops, can be less fertilizer or not fertilization misunderstanding. In fact, the demand of soybeans for nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers is still relatively large. Therefore, about 1,000 kilograms of fertilized farmyard manure, 25 kilograms of superphosphate, and 5 kilograms of potash fertilizer should be applied to the acres. Calcium is one of the indispensable elements for the growth and development of green soybean. Therefore, 25-30 kg of lime must be applied in the acid soil to increase the disease resistance rate, the scarring rate, the seed setting rate and the grain weight.
6. Early top-dressing soybeans top-dressing and initial flowering. Seedling mu 15 kg of urea combined with cultivator weeding and nesting; at the beginning of the flowering period, 100 grams of monopotassium dihydrogen phosphate is applied to 60 kg of foliar spray. If the leaf color is too yellow, 200 grams of urea can be sprayed together. Spray once every 5-7 days, even spray 2-3 times.
7. Young seedlings of Pinus davidii seedlings can be picked up as "double main branches", so that the nutrients can be concentrated on the main branch, which can promote the thick stalks, more branches and more leaves, and increase dry matter accumulation. The method is: After the two true leaves are formed, the upper growing point is completely removed.
8. Respiratory Inhibition During the early flowering period of soybean, each time, 5 grams of sodium bisulfite and 50 kg of water are sprayed per acre, sprayed once every 7 days, and sprayed 2-3 times, which can increase the intensity of photorespiration of soybeans and reduce The consumption of photosynthetic products promotes the accumulation of dry matter and increases the yield. This measure only applies to early and mid-maturing varieties and good growing fields. In case of drought, water must be applied first and then sprayed. The spray should be uniform, ensure that all the leaves are covered with liquid medicine, such as rain within 12 hours after spraying, after the rain stopped spraying.
9, to strengthen the pest control Aphid is a direct damage to the leaves, stems and cause mosaic virus pests, can be used 40% Dimethoate 2000-3000 times spray; soybean borer can be used 50% phoxim EC 1000-1500 times spray; The initial stage of downy mildew 75% chlorothalonil WP 100-150 g water 50-60 kg spray; 50% carbendazim carbendazim WP 100-120 g water 50 kg spray .

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