Method for making female rabbits more productive female rabbits

Long-haired female rabbits produce 15% to 20% more hair than male rabbits; female rabbits have better skin quality than male rabbits. The price is relatively high; the growth rate of rabbit female rabbits is 10% to 15% faster than that of male rabbits. Mowing female rabbits to female rabbits can significantly increase economic efficiency. So how can we make female rabbits produce more female rabbits?

One is to increase the number of male rabbits mating, and use male rabbits that have been continuously mated for 7 days to mate with female rabbits on the first or second day of estrus. Thirty-four female rabbits were tested by this method and 208 rabbits were born, of which 161 females accounted for 77.4%.

The second is to increase the amount of activity of the female rabbit and promote the female rabbit to produce more female rabbits. During the estrus period, the female rabbit is placed in a larger activity space, and is chased and shuffled to make it frequently active and fatigue, and then mate. Four female rabbits were tested in this way, and the female rabbits had an output of more than 65%.

The third is to add 20 grams of glucose and 50 milligrams of vitamin E per day to the mixed feed 8 to 12 days before the female rabbits are mated, and stop feeding after mating. In this experiment, female female rabbits were about 12% more than male rabbits.

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