High-yield cultivation techniques of saffron

Crimson saffron, also known as saffron, saffron, sarsaparilla, poland, etc., is a perennial herb of the iris family. The saffron is native to Mediterranean coastal countries such as Spain and the Netherlands. It was introduced to China in the Han dynasty and was introduced in 1965. It has been successfully introduced in 22 provinces and cities including Shanghai, Zhejiang, Henan, Beijing and Xinjiang. Crimson is a valuable gynecological medicine. It is also widely used in daily-use chemical, food, and dye industries. It is a valuable raw material for cosmetics, beauty products, and spices. Bulbs can be sold as high-grade flowers, and Spanish people call it "red gold."

In the past, due to lack of understanding of scientific management, many medicinal farmers had longer, smaller safflower bulbs, fewer and fewer flowers, and lower yields per mu, thus giving up cultivation. The planting experiment of Henan Agricultural University for more than ten years has proved that as long as the scientific management of safflower, the basal fertilization, the selection of more than 8g of bulbs (Note: 8g of the following bulbs do not bloom), take the bud technique, the appropriate use of plant hormones and other technologies At the same time, increasing the amount of bulbs planted will ensure the high yield and stable yield of safflower.

The safflower plant characteristics Although the saffron flower, but no seeds, rely on bulbs to breed. Bulbous flat, surrounded by several layers of light brown membranous scales, milky white inside. There are 7 to 9 links on the bulbs, and 1 to 4 axillary buds on each link. Plants clustered. Leaves basal, long linear, leaf margin slightly recurved; flowers terminal, perianth 6, blue-violet; stamens 3, yellow; pistil 1, style 3 deep, extending outside perianth, drooping, stigma apex slightly larger Trumpet-shaped, dark red, with a special fragrance. The flowering period is from late October to early November.

Characteristics of the growth of saffron Safflower is a subtropical plant, warm and cool, afraid of hot, more cold. The soil is rich in sandy loam, and water should be avoided. Saffron temperature is 2~19°C. It can safely winterize at the temperature of -18°C in the north of China, and it can be safely shaded at the high temperature of 25°C in the south, which can prolong the growth time of saffron, which will benefit Xihong. The bulbs of flowers gain weight. Western countries often use open fields for flowering and bulb propagation. China uses indoor flowering and field breeding. The safflower's growth habits and techniques are similar to that of growing garlic.

The safflower preparation technology should be based on the requirements of environmental conditions of Safflower. It is better to choose a plot that is warmer in winter, light abundant, loose and fertile. Crimson spurs rotate and avoid continuous production. Former crops such as beans, corn, and rice are preferred, and they can also be grown in orchards. The north has low winter temperatures and it is inconvenient to apply fertilizer. It is very important to apply base fertilizer. Combined with arable land Mushi 100kg lime or 1.5kg chloronitrobenzene disinfection, nitrogen fertilizer 30kg, cooked cake fertilizer 200kg base fertilizer. The fine rakes are flattened in a north-south direction, with a width of 1.3m and a height of 30cm. The surface of the rake is a turtleback shape with a 30 to 40cm gap.

Treatment of saffron bulbs The safflower bulbs have main and lateral buds on the safflower bulb. The main buds flower and the lateral buds do not bloom. Each bud can form a small bulb. The bulb can grow 6 to 15 bulbs, if not , more and more small bulbs, bulbs below 8g do not bloom, the yield of flowers is getting lower and lower. In order to ensure high yields in the coming year, lateral shoots must be completely removed. Generally, one main bud of 20 g or less is left. Experiments have shown that saffron can increase yields by about 27% after repeated application of buds.

Before bulbs are planted, they are treated with chemicals to prevent pests and diseases. The main disease of saffron is rot disease, and the pest is Robingen. The agent for treating bulbs is soaked with a bactericide and acaricide. The solution is usually diluted with 25% carbendazim 500 times solution and dicofol or dimethoate 3000 times solution. The two solutions are soaked for 20 minutes and immediately sowed.

Saffron cultivation of safflower cultivation in the open season should be in September. Early planting, early emergence, first hair root, after germination, plant growth robust; late germination first, rooted after, plant growth is also poor. Indoor flowering bulbs are picked from 80% flowers in the room from late October to mid-November and transplanted immediately in field. The other 20% of the flowers are picked in the field and the bulbs are separated by size before planting. Small dense. The general spacing is 20×20cm, and the depth of the ditch is about 10cm. The bulb buds head upward, and the height of the corms is 2~2.5 times that of 3~6cm. Deep bulbs are also one of the ways to cultivate large bulbs. After planting, drench the root water to keep the soil moist and emerge about one month.

The indoor management technology of saffron can not only supply water, soil, and fertilizer, but also rely on its own stored nutrients to normal flowering, and it is convenient to collect flowers, save labor and labor, and is not affected by outside weather conditions. Without pests and diseases, the yield can be increased by about 30% compared to exposed land, and it is convenient for side buds. In view of the above advantages, our country has adopted indoor flowering and cultivation of bulbs in different fields.

The saffron shelf has a length of about 1m, a width of 60cm, a layer-to-layer spacing of 30 to 40cm, and a height of about 5 layers, which is preferable for ease of operation. With a wooden board, bamboo poles, 1m2 can be placed about 10kg bulbs, generally a room can be placed an acre bulbs.

From August to October, the saffron bulbs are separated by size. The non-flowering plants below 8 g can be directly planted in the fields. The large bulb shoots can be placed upwards on the shelf and the bulbs can be placed directly on the roof. The indoor humidity is more than 80%. When the humidity is not enough, it can be watered on the ground. It is forbidden to spray water on the bulbs so as to avoid early rooting. The safflower grows indoors for 60 days.

The application of saffron phytohormones stimulates saffron with plant hormones, which has a significant effect on yield increase. In the dormancy period of bulbs, soaking with gibberellic acid at 100ppm for 24 hours and spraying with 50ppm gibberellin twice after emergence can increase the number of bulbs by 6%, increase the weight by 10 to 30%, and increase the yield by 27 to 50%.

With gibberellin 100ppm dip bulb mixed with temperature treatment (30 °C a month, then dropped to 18 °C), the results of each bulb flowering than the control increased by 5 to 20%, but also to advance 16 days. Early seeding is beneficial to the growth of bulbs.

Saffron Field Management Saffron grows in Daejeon from mid-November to early May. It takes about half a year to do the following work during this period:

1. To supply water for science. About 20 days after planting, 50 accommodating water is used per acre for the human excrement. When the drought condition is more, the hibiscus turns green in mid-February, and 60 8080 ren water is applied per acre. Since the beginning of March, the growth of C. safflower has entered a vigorous stage. 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate is sprayed once every 10 days and sprayed 2 to 3 times.

2. To properly regulate moisture. If the safflower plots do not have enough soil moisture after the next planting, they must be fully watered. In the northern areas, there is little rain and drought. Before entering the winter, it is necessary to apply water and antifreeze, and in the following year, it will be watered again to meet the growing needs.

3. Pay attention to freezing and keeping seedlings. Although crocuses are hardy crops, they must be protected from freezing in the severe cold weather of -10°C to 20°C. Cover them with hay, cover with plastic film, and windbreaks.

4. Weeding soil in time.

5. To remove lateral buds in time. When the ball is planted, extra lateral buds have been removed. If there are many lateral buds growing out after entering the field, they are inserted into the soil with a knife, and the leaves are removed.

6. Do a good job of pest control. The entire growth period of saffron is basically in the low temperature period, with less pests and diseases, and it is generally necessary to prevent it during rejuvenation. In case of rot disease, use 5% of bacillus spores poured 800 times; if there are worms, spray with 10% Leko cream 2000 times. At the same time, we must do a good job of rat-biting bulbs and field rabbits to eat saffron leaves.

Harvesting and processing of saffron From late April to early May, the upper part of the saffron floor gradually turns yellow and can be carefully digged from the end of the rake. After the excavation, the roots of the leaves and leaves were removed, and the plants were aired in the field for two days and then stored in the storage room. When harvesting, the ramets should be sorted according to the standards of disease, damage, and size, and stored in different categories. The storage room should be less light, cool and ventilated, and the ground should be muddy. The interior should be kept dry. General bulbs can increase weight 3 to 5 times, 1 time introduction of 100 kg bulbs planting 1 mus of saffron, per mu bulbs from 600 to 1000 kg.

The safflower and Daejeon flowering seasons are from mid-October to early November, and flowering is best at 9 to 11 o'clock every day. The flowers are bright in color. The indoor weather is not affected by the weather, and flowers can be collected throughout the day; the outdoor flowers are picked on the first day of the opening day, from 8 to 11 o'clock in the evening, and the stamen pollen is easily affected by stamen pollen. Peel off the petal after harvest to remove the pistil style and stigma. Spread on a white paper, place it in a ventilated place, dry it, use a large amount of oven to dry it, and store it for sale in darkness. Generally 80 flowers can process 1g dried flowers, 1 mu can be dried flowers 1 ~ 2kg.

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