Banlangen Management Technology

1. Field management of loose soil weeding: keep the land moist after sowing to facilitate emergence. After the seedlings are unearthed, they are shallow to prevent injury to the seedlings, and the soil is often kept loose and free of weeds. Seedlings Dingmiao seedlings: seedlings height 7-8cm according to the spacing of 6-10cm Dingmiao, to leave weak strong Zhuang missing Miao. Top-dressing watering: mainly to close the big leaves, one year to recover 3 times the fertilizer, the first time after planting, urea 10-15 kilograms per acre, open shallow ditch in between the rows, drought and timely pouring water. On the 2nd and 3rd time, fertilizers were topdressed immediately after the leaves had been harvested. Each time, circulatory fertilizers were applied and phosphorus and potassium fertilizers were appropriately used to grow plants. In order to harvest banlangen, the main growth period is not to cut leaves, less nitrogen fertilizer, appropriate fertilizer and plant ash, to promote root growth, high root production, roots and leaves when the intensive growth period, cut a leaf, autumn harvest root. 2. Prevention and control of diseases and diseases downy mildew: damage to the leaves, leaves do not produce white or gray moldy material on the back, no obvious lesions when the leaves are yellow. Control methods: (1) Take agricultural comprehensive prevention and control drainage, summer flood prevention, ventilation and light transmission, and bury the diseased plants. 2 At the beginning of the onset, spray 65% ​​zeocin WP or chlorothalonil to control its spread. Pieris rapae and aphids: Harmful to leaves, when eaten severely, the leaves are eaten into a net, the leaves become seedlings, curled, and the plants are short. The aphid uses 40% dimethoate emulsion 2000 times and a new high-fat film 800 times spray. The larvae use enemy kills. Death, all spirits + new high fat film spraying prevention. During the growing season, two phoxims were poured to prevent the mantle and cause rot. 3, harvest processing such as close the big leaves, water and fertilizer management after sowing up, one year can be harvested 2-3 times. When harvesting the leaves, choose sunny, immediately dried, green, and good quality. In case of rain, it should be dried, otherwise it must be moldy black, and reduce the quality. After drying, it can be used for medicinal purposes. When you take in Banlang, be careful not to plan the planing and injure the quality. Dry the roots of the planing back to 6-7% dry, remove the soil, tie it into small bundles, and dry it until it is completely dry. To thick and even, dry and tidy enough for those who are good enough, general production of 300-500 kilograms of Ban Langen, about 300 kg of dry leaves.

Ginseng has been known as the "king of herbs", "nourishing yin, nourishing health, strengthening the root" of the best products since ancient times. It contains a variety of saponins and polysaccharides. The extract can be slowly absorbed by the skin without adverse stimulation. It can expand skin capillaries, promote skin blood circulation, increase skin nutrition, regulate skin water and oil balance, prevent skin dehydration, sclerosis, wrinkling, and suppress black by ginseng active substances. It can make skin white and smooth, enhance skin elasticity and regenerate cells. It is the best product of skin care and beauty. Dip ginseng into 50% glycerin directly, rub face with glycerin 10 days later, or fry ginseng into concentrated juice, pour a little into the wash water every day, rub face with ginseng glycerin or ginseng water, can make skin quite moist.
Functions and Indications: Dabu Yuanqi, Fumai Gutuo, Bupi Yifei, Shengjin Yangxue, Anshen Yizhi. It is used for deficiency of body, cold pulse of limbs, deficiency of spleen and food, asthma and cough of lung, thirst of body and wound, internal heat to quench thirst, deficiency of Qi and blood, chronic disease, palpitation and insomnia, impotence and palace cold.

Ginseng Tea

Ginseng Extract,Ginseng Tea,Ginseng Root,Panax Ginseng

Lixian Spring Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. ,