Agaricus bisporus spring management method

The spring management of Agaricus bisporus refers to the period from March to May. During this period, the temperature ranged from low to high, pH value from high to low, nutrient content of culture materials gradually decreased, and pests and diseases were easily invaded. Agaricus bisporus sp

How to choose high-oil soybean

The contribution rate of high-yield varieties in general production accounts for about 30% to 40%. In the production of high-oil soybeans, the contribution rate of high oil varieties can reach over 80% in terms of the oil content of products. In recent years, driven by the implementation of th

Prevent vegetables from helping

1. Cabbage in the field a few days before harvest, sprayed with 100 mg of 2,4-D sodium salt solution per kilogram of yield in the field, or spraying 100 mg of 2,4-D, can extend the cold storage period of 3 months without defoliation . 2. The edible portion of cauliflower (cauliflower), althoug

Advantages and disadvantages of vegetable top dressing methods

After sowing or planting vegetables, in order to meet the needs of their growth and development, often require more topdressing, top dressing amount generally accounts for about 1/3 of the total fertilization of the crop during the whole growth period, or even more. The following describes sev

Simple Method for Making Mother Culture Medium of Edible Mushrooms

Simple method for making the mother culture medium of edible fungi Mushroom farmer generally uses agar in preparing mother culture medium of edible fungi. However, the price of agar is relatively high, and it is not easily available in some regions, and the use of agar to solidify the medium i

Method for rebuilding tree shape in closed apple orchard

Increasing the branching angle and improving the permeability conditions The closed apple orchard has one common feature. The main (lateral) branches have a small branch angle, which leads to strong growth, long branches and large branches, and the branches are concentrated on the periphery of

Cuihua Huilan's Cultivation Management Technology

First, temperature and environment Hulan flower growth temperature is 25-30 °C, the winter temperature is maintained at about 10 °C at night is more appropriate. Wedelia flowering blooms from February to March. If the temperature is less than 5°C. That affects the flowering. The bigge

Rain-fed Cultivation Technique for Pumpkin Cultivation

First, the ditching fertilization by row spacing 1.7-1.8 meters, with the machine cited a single plowing plough or animal force seven-inch step plough into a 40 cm wide, 20 cm deep ditch. Apply 1,000 kg of fertilizer and 10-15 kg of diammonium phosphate to each 667 m2 of the ditch. The ditch w

Strelitzia ramensis breeding method

Strelitzia reginae, also known as Bird of Paradise, is a rare and cut flower for the market. The ramets method is the best breeding method for Strelitzia reginae. First, the choice of mother plants. Mother plants should be selected for more tillers, neat leaves; robust adult plants without pes

How to grow roses

The rose is a rose flower plant. It is sunny, drought-tolerant and cold-resistant. It is suitable for planting on soils with rich organic matter, good drainage, and strong water retention and fertility conservation. Roses are the fine flowers of urban and rural afforestation. The annual flower

Lotus root, lateral bud cutting propagation technology

Planting lotus roots with the top and side buds of lotus root has the advantages of saving quail species and expanding the propagation coefficient, and the yield is not much different from the field crops with seed pods as seedlings. If combined with a small shed to carry out heat preservation