Yellow oleander

Name Oleander

Alias ​​wine glass flower |

Latin name Thevetia peruviana Schum



Origin Distribution: Tropical America

Morphological characteristics: Evergreen small trees, 2-5 meters high, the plant body has

The odd tree trunk blooms in China for only two months.

Have you seen trees that can bloom in trees? The reporter learned from Guangzhou Lanpu yesterday that in the flower bushes in the eastern part of the Lanpu area, there is a strange tree with a height of 3 meters. The trees are actually blooming. Looking far, such


Asparagus is also known as "stone cypress," "asparagus" and so on. Native to the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea and Asia Minor, there are still wild species in the grasslands and valleys of Europe, Asia and North Africa. It has been cu

Farming: "standardized" life in pig farms

In Japan, Fujitsu has designed a complete production management system for the pig industry. In this system, Fujitsu uses a large number of ear tags with high-capacity high-frequency RFID tags to process past-use paper (on-site investigation records). The curriculum vitae management is electro

Five causes of farm machinery maintenance accidents

With the development of agricultural mechanization, the maintenance of agricultural machinery has increased, and various types of accidents that occur during maintenance have also increased. The main causes of farm machinery maintenance accidents are:

First, the preparatory work be

Bamboo Rat Artificial Culture Technology

Bamboo root pig is also known as bamboo rat. Also known as Mount Pig. Chips Mammalia. Rodents. Bamboo rat family. The wild species in China are: bamboo rat, Chinese bamboo rat, and white bamboo rat. Mainly in Southeast Asia and East Africa. It is also a special wild animal in the mountains

Autumn flower pest control

There are many kinds of flowers, and the types of diseases and insects occurring and their length and length are different. According to a recent survey, the main species of flowers and insect pests in our city are: leaf spot, melasma, anthrax, blight, powdery mildew, scale insects, aphids

Garden trees fertilize the stress

1. Since the root groups of trees are widely distributed, the nutrients and moisture are absorbed in the fibrous roots. Therefore, fertilization should be done around the roots and not near the trunk.

2. The trees with strong roots and deep distribution should be deep-fertilized an

Periwinkle Spring Flowers

Scientific name: Catharanthus roseus

Alias: Sun, Spring, Hawthorn Blossoms, Open Every Day

Family: Apocynaceae Vinca

Category: Evergreen erect shrubs

Morphological characteristics:

Stems erect, much branched. Leaves opposit

Cows feeding brewers' grains can improve production performance

Feeding fresh brewer's grains in dairy cows has many advantages. For example, saving feed at the same protein level, the price of brewers' grains is cheap, and the taste of brewers' grains is excellent. Dairy cows like to eat. According to local experience, the amount of 7-8 kg

Feeding and Management Points for Different Purpose Rabbits

Rabbit breeding management

The feeding and management of rabbits is basically the same as that of rabbits. The feed intake of hairy rabbits varies with the hair collection cycle (usually 3 months) and the growth of hairs. The first month after hair removal, the maximum feed intake