Lean cattle winter fattening benefits doubled

In the early winter, the weather is suitable and the forage is abundant. It is the best season for fattening the thin and weak cattle. Conditional farmers will take advantage of this favorable opportunity to purchase thin and lean cattle that will be eliminated in the market for intensive breeding and fast fattening. After fattening and then slaughter and selling, they will be doubled in profits, which is a good way to increase income during the slack season. The causes of cattle thinning are nothing more than four aspects: First, overwork, excessive physical exertion; Second, there are parasites in the body; Third, gastrointestinal digestive function disorders, digestion and absorption function is not good; Fourth, a small amount of hay, Nutrition is not comprehensive. In response to these initial solids, the lean cattle fattening technology uses cattle to compensate for the growth characteristics of cattle that have been slow growing or stagnated due to inadequate feed, poor nutrition, or poor digestion and absorption in the previous phase. Once they recover to higher levels of nutrition, Its growth and speed of accumulating fat accelerated, even faster than in the past when it was not restricted, and after a period of excellent feeding, it returned to normal weight. Of course, this thin and weak cow must be a healthy, well-toothed, and digestible cow. Thin fat cattle fattening methods and steps are as follows: First, the suspension. After the cattle are bought back, they must be fully rested and no longer exercised. Second, deworming. Internal administration of trichlorfon, calculated as 0.05 grams per kilogram of body weight, is given once internally and once a day for two days. Or fed with 2.5-10 milligrams per kg of body weight of amidoxime mix. Third, stomach. It can be used to invigorate the spleen and appetizers of Chinese medicine. It can also feed 400 grams of tea leaves and 200 grams of honeysuckle to feed the cows, or use turmeric 3-4 kilograms 4 times to mix cows with rice wine; or use 75 grams of Xiangfu, 50 grams of dried tangerine peel, and Laizizi. 75 grams, 75 grams of oyster shell, 75 grams of wolfberry, 100 grams of cornus, 100 grams of Six Divine Comedy, 100 grams of malt, 50 grams of betel nut, 50 grams of green peel, 50 grams of Chinese wolfberry, and 50 grams of licorice. Once decocted orally, each head One dose for two days. Fourth, fattening. Grazing and fattening: When grazing in the wild, the grazing time should be extended as much as possible. The grazing time should be as long as 12 hours per day. The safe place can be grazing or feeding at night. The farms and suburbs can't grazing and feed, and can be based on feed resources. get on. (1) Graze grass and feed bran and concentrate. (2) Feeding lees or bean curd residue. When cattle are not accustomed at the beginning of feeding, they should be trained to increase their dosage from less to more. Feed the beef's lees or bean curd residue should be fresh and banned from mildew. If the eczema appears in cattle after feeding the lees, knee swelling and bloating may be temporarily stopped. The bean curd residue can feed up to 35 kg. (3) Feeding silage or ammoniated material, each cow can feed 13-30 kilograms, plus feed concentrate, minerals and salt. Fifth, pay attention to matters. No matter which method is used for fattening, the feed should not be overly simplistic and should be as diverse as possible, improve palatability and “feed first and then feed”, and “coarse and then refined” to promote multi-feeding. The fodder formula is roughly controlled in the following: 30 days in the early stage, 75% grass, 5% high quality hay, 5% corn flour, 10% soybean cake, 10% wheat bran, and appropriate amount of salt; 30 days in the medium term, 45% grass, 15% high quality hay, Cornmeal, 20% sorghum flour, 15% soybean cake, 5% wheat bran, and appropriate amount of salt. The nose rope should be properly shortened while maintaining the dryness of the shackles to limit the activity of the cows.

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