What is the nutritional value and efficacy of cherry tomatoes? (attached method)

Cherry tomato is a kind of fruit and vegetable that is popular among consumers. It is a variant of tomato. In order to achieve high yield of cherry tomato in spring planting, it is necessary to do the planting and management work. How to do it? The following small series introduces you to the planting and management methods of spring cherry tomatoes.


The nutritional value and efficacy of cherry tomatoes

Cherry tomato is a variant of tomato, which is actually the fruit of the people. As a kind of fruit and vegetable, it is bright and nutritious. In addition to all the nutrients containing tomatoes, its vitamin content is higher than that of ordinary tomatoes. One of the four major fruits promoted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Cherry tomatoes contain special substances such as glutathione and lycopene. They can promote the growth and development of the human body, especially for the growth and development of children, and can also enhance the body's immunity.

Efficacy and function

1. Promote growth and development. The virgin fruit contains substances such as glutathione and lycopene, which have a great effect on the growth and development of the human body, especially for children.

2. Protect the body from sun protection. The sacred fruit contains lycopene, which can improve the sunscreen function of the human body and the immunity of cigarettes and waste gas. Those who are afraid of tanning may wish to eat more cherries in the summer, but they are both nutritious and sunscreen.

3, beauty and beauty. The sacred fruit is a beautiful fruit. It can delay the aging of people and reduce the production of wrinkles. The resistance to the human body is greatly improved. Girls who love beauty can eat more fruits to prevent aging.

4. Promote appetite. The sacred fruit is a kind of sweet and sour fruit. It has the functions of stomach and digestion, thirst, and appetite. It can cure thirst, loss of appetite, etc. If the appetite is not good, you can eat a little bit of fruit. Increase appetite.

5, protect the secretion of gastric juice. The virgin fruit can maintain the normal secretion of gastric juice, help protect the stomach and the liver, and people with bad stomachs may wish to eat more cherries.


Introduction to cherry tomato planting management methods

1. Site preparation

The planting time of cherry tomato in spring cultivation is generally arranged from February to March. Within 3 years, there is no land planting that has been planted with solanaceous vegetables, convenient drainage, good ventilation, and strong water and fertilizer retention capacity. Before planting, it is necessary to use the deep trench sorghum cultivation, generally 1.3 to 1.4 meters wide and 30 cm high.

When preparing the ground, it is necessary to apply sufficient base fertilizer, 4000 to 5000 kg of farmyard manure per mu, 1000 to 1500 kg of human excrement, 25 kg of superphosphate or 30 kg of compound fertilizer. When planting, each row is planted 2 rows, the plant spacing is 40 cm, and about 2,500 plants per acre are planted. Root water should be poured after planting, and the first watering should be poured.

2, fertilizer management

After planting, watering according to the weather conditions, generally do not dry or not. After the survival, the soil will be ploughed in time to promote the slow seedling. After the seedlings are slowed down, the seedlings are not watered and the roots are promoted. In the vigorous growth period, the soil moisture is timely and the soil is moist.

Pay attention to drainage in rainy days. Appropriate soil cultivation at the late stage of plant growth. After the first ear is stabilized, it will be traced once every 10 days, and the fertilizer will be applied in a thin manner. Each time, 20 kg of cooked cake fat or 10 kg of compound fertilizer will be applied per mu.

3, the whole vine

Cherry tomatoes need to be stalked with vines. When the height of the seedlings is 30-40 cm, the vines will be tied. The height of the brackets is 2 meters, and the vines are tied once every 15-20 cm. The single-stalk pruning method is used to leave only the main branches, and the side branches leave 1 to 2 leaves to top. Plants are planted in the middle and late stages of growth, that is, no need to pruning, so that the upper part of the plant can grow normally.


The above is the nutritional value and efficacy of the sage and cherry tomatoes, and the introduction of planting techniques. As a popular fruit, it can be planted not only in greenhouses, but also in potted plants. If you want to eat it, you can try it yourself, and occasionally pick it up and eat it very well.

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