Summer cooling tips

Summer cooling tips

In hot summer, hot weather continues, and the hot weather brings heavy pressure to everyone. When it comes to the summer, in addition to the summer dresses and summer clothes of the United States and the United States, there are even more important summer heatstroke prevention tips. How to prevent heatstroke in the summer, how to stop the heatstroke during the hot summer season when the temperature is hot, has become the focus of attention of everyone. So how do we prevent heatstroke in the summer? Here I will introduce the common sense of cooling off.

First, the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor air conditioning should not be too large. In the sultry summer, most people will certainly choose to nest in a comfortable air-conditioned room. However, it is advisable to use air-conditioning with an indoor and outdoor temperature difference of no more than 5 degrees. Even if the weather is hot, the air-conditioned room temperature should not be below 24 degrees. Otherwise it is easy to get sick and catch a cold.

Second, avoid heat after the "quick cooling." In summer, when people go out or return from work, they don’t like to open a fan. They just go to a cold shower immediately. This will quickly close the pores of the body, and the body’s heat will be difficult to distribute. It will also cause brain insufficiency due to the rapid contraction of blood vessels in the brain. People are dizzy.

Third, add water in time but you should drink less. Drinks such as fruit juices, cola, sprites, soft drinks, etc., can cause bad stimulation of the gastrointestinal tract and affect digestion and appetite. Therefore, summer should drink plenty of boiled water or light salt (sugar) water.

Fourth, the shortest period of solar radiation is from 10 to 15 o'clock. It should try to avoid going out during this time. It should not be out. It should be painted on the skin with sunscreen skin care products. It is better to use light colors for summer clothing.

Fifth, nap time should not be too long. If the siesta time is too long, the central nervous system will deepen and suppress, and the relative reduction of blood flow in the brain will slow down the metabolic process, leading to overall discomfort and drowsiness after waking up.

Six, diet should not be too light. People in summer have long hours of activity, sweat more, consume more, and should appropriately eat chicken, duck, lean meat, fish, eggs and other nutritious foods to meet the metabolic needs of the human body.

Seven, should not drink too much. In the summer, the human body is easily affected by the temperature, and it is easy to accumulate hot and humid heat, which is the cause of skin ulcers and sores. If a large amount of white wine is consumed, it will help the heat and humidity, which is no different from the fire.

Eight, it is necessary, summer home can also prepare some heatstroke drugs Oh, such as Dan, cool oil, honeysuckle and so on. Diet can be adjusted to drink green bean soup, lotus seeds, mint, lotus leaf and glutinous rice, rock sugar porridge can also be used, not only sweet and refreshing, or an excellent herb for clearing heat, can effectively prevent heatstroke and prevent heat stroke.

In summer, I hope these intimate tips will bring you a refreshing summer.

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