How to warm up the little snow

Snow is the first solar term after the beginning of winter, which indicates that the winter snowfall will kick off. Snow is coming earlier this year, so older people should be prepared for some deep winter health.
After the snowfall period, the snow is a high incidence of respiratory diseases, mood is also easy to depression, depression, should pay more attention to regulating emotions, listen to more music, will be friends.
After entering the snow, the diet is mainly light, and the tonic is mainly warm, such as lamb, dog, hot pot, etc. can increase body heat. Some elderly people and people who are physically weak and easily chilled may take some medicines or proprietary Chinese medicines that have tonic effect, such as ginseng and pilose antler, or drink some white wine and rice wine properly to promote the circulation of blood in the body. You can also eat a little lower cholesterol foods such as corn, buckwheat, and carrots.
The reason why people feel cold in their bodies is the lack of yang. There is a saying in traditional Chinese medicine: "Moving is positive," and it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people do some exercise. Indoor exercise is better, such as table tennis, badminton, skipping, etc. Don't be too severe to avoid hurting the blood. It is best to take a walk after dinner and do not lie down or sit down while eating.
In addition, bubble feet before going to bed can not only increase body heat, but also promote blood circulation and help improve sleep quality. The sun often shines in the winter, and it can also play the role of strengthening the human yang and warming the meridians, but it cannot be sunburned when the wind blows, otherwise it is easy to get sick when it is hot and cold.

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