Drought-resistant cultivation techniques for fruit trees

1. Select drought-resistant trees (products) and rootstocks as different tree species, drought tolerance is different, should be based on the water needs of different tree species and drought tolerance to determine the cultivation of tree species, the current cultivation of tree species in the pomegranate, jujube, figs and stone fruits The drought resistance of the fruit trees is the strongest; walnuts, plums, and grapes have moderate drought tolerance; apple, pear and persimmon trees have the weakest drought resistance. The rootstock drought resistance of rootstock has a great influence on the drought resistance of fruit trees. Therefore, the grafted varieties of drought-resistant rootstocks should be selected for the drought resistance cultivation of fruit trees, such as the mountain stator, the Xifeng Begonia, the Xinjiang wild apple, the jellyfish fruit, the Yamanashi, and the mountain peach. Hill grapes, etc., M7, MM106 in the short anvil are comparatively drought-resistant. 2. Strengthen the cultivation and management The adoption of reasonable cultivation techniques also plays an important role in the drought resistance of fruit trees, including the following aspects: (1) Rational close planting. In the condition of short rain and water shortage, reasonable dense planting can make fruit trees obtain sufficient water and nutrients, achieve high quality and high yield, generally medium density planting, that is, plant spacing 2.5-3 meters 4 meters, garden as flat as possible, to pit (1 Mimi square) planting. (2) reasonable pruning. The ideal tree for drought resistance is the free-spindle and slender spindle. At the same time, the wound is trimmed to create fewer wounds, and more protective piles are left. After trimming, shearing oil or emollient oil should be used to timely apply scissors and saw wounds to prevent evaporation of sap. In spring, excess sprouts are erased in time, and ineffective branches are removed in summer; the use of flowers to set the fruit, reasonable load, limit production, and reduce the invalid consumption of tree nutrients. (3) Rational fertilization. Increase investment, increase organic manure, change N-fertilizer fertilization habits, apply formula fertilization, increase tree vigor, improve drought resistance of fruit trees, more rainfall in autumn, high soil moisture, and timely application of base fertilizer to tree storage nutrients, such as the following year Even though the spring drought, but because of the tree storage more nutrients, making a robust growth, large leaves, flowering fruit set rate is high, increased drought resistance; fertilization should be reasonable deep application is appropriate to induce root growth and enhance drought resistance. (4) Deep plowing of orchards. Deep plowing combined with fine sorghum is an effective measure to prevent evaporation of soil moisture. Deep plowing should be combined with maintaining water and soil. Otherwise, heavy rain and heavy rain will cause water and soil loss. Deep plowing orchards can be used as intercropping green legumes to function as a solid soil fertility field. (5) Construct terraces and fish scale pits on mountainous, dry slopes and hilly orchards, plant contours, accumulate rainfalls in rows and under trees, increase the water use capacity of the Department's soil, and increase drought resistance. 3. Covering orchards covered by orchards include film coverage and grass cover. Film coverage is generally conducted in March-April, when the spring is dry and windy. Coverage can be covered or covered only under the tree disk. The film under the tree can reduce water evaporation and increase soil water content in the rhizosphere; pelvic coating has good water-storage function; film-covering increases soil temperature, which is beneficial to the improvement of physiological activity of root system in early spring, promotes microbial activity, and accelerates decomposition of organic matter. Increase the soil fertility; film can also significantly improve the survival rate of planting young trees, promote the growth of new shoots, is conducive to rapid expansion of the crown; in addition to promote fruit ripening and inhibit the growth of weeds. Orchard grass mulching is a new technology applied to soil management in orchards in the early 1980s. It has been widely promoted throughout the country. Its main functions include: optimizing the soil environment, increasing soil fertility, inhibiting weed growth, reducing squatter labor, and improving fruit quality. The yield and quality, and the reduction of some of the winter pests unearthed harm. Orchard grass cover can be used throughout the year, preferably in summer (May); dry and thin ground is covered when the soil temperature reaches 20°C at 20 cm. Wheat straw, wheat bran, weeds, leaves, crop stalks, and chopped firewood can all be used to cover grass in orchards; the amount of grass covered in orchards is 1,000-1,500 kilograms per mu for partial grass cover, and 2000-2,500 kilograms per mu for garden-covered grass. With the summary of production experience, it was discovered that the whole park covered the grass, which is not conducive to the rapid infiltration of precipitation into the soil, and the precipitation consumes more by means of evaporation. Therefore, the tree-covered and grass-covered grass is promoted in production. The specific technology is: before the grass is covered in two rows of trees. In the middle, 40-50 centimeters wide rafts or working tracks are built. The rafts are leveled to make them near the trunk slightly high. When the grass is covered, about 20 centimeters of space is left around the trunk to allow the water to penetrate the trunks and rafts as soon as possible after rainfall. Soil; At the same time before the combination of grass covered with deep turning or deep watering, plant nitrogen fertilizer 0.2-0.5 kg, in order to meet the microbial decomposition of organic matter on nitrogen fertilizer needs. The thickness of the grass cover is 15-20 cm. After covering the grass, the soil will be pressed on the grass slope to prevent wind blow and fire. When covering the grass, it is best to take care of fresh coverings after the initial rot in the rainy season. After covering the grass, many pests inhabit the grass. Attention should be given to spraying herbs on the grass to play a concentrated trapping effect; autumn should clear up fallen leaves and diseases under the trees. Branches, prevention of early defoliation, leaf leaf moth, anthrax, etc. occur. In addition, many plain areas have summarized and improved the orchard grass-mulching technique, that is, the tree trays (tree shrubs) that cover the grass in summer and fall, and cover the grass every year in May. The amount of grass used is about 1500 kg, and the thickness is about 5 cm. Covered to the autumn when the basal fertilizer is turned into the ground, the specific technique of this method is the same as above, and the reference can be used for selection. 4, orchard grass grass orchard is planted in the orchard on the production of useful fruit trees. Orchard grass has long been popular in developed countries and has become a basic content of scientific management and drought-resistant cultivation of orchards. The traditional orchard farming system in China has increased the orchard input, ecological degradation, soil strength, and fruit due to the emphasis on intensive tillage and weed control. Due to the decline in quality, the Ministry of Agriculture has decided to promote orchard-covering technology in orchards and promote grasses as white clover in response to this problem and the reasons for the superior prices of fruits and poor fruits in recent years. Here, the grass and its sowing techniques are introduced, and other orchard species can be referenced for seeding management. Characteristics of White Clover White clover is a perennial plant, the ability of seeds to land on the natural regeneration, the useful life of about 8 years, with shade-resistant performance, normal growth in a 30% light transmittance environment, suitable for orchard planting. After becoming a ping, it has relatively developed lateral roots and stolons. Compared with other weeds, it has strong competitiveness, has a certain cold-resistance and heat-resistance capacity, and adapts to the soil pH value of 4.5-8.5, which can be widely used in our country. Regional growth, in the green period of China's northern China can be as long as 270 days, early flowering, long flowering period, beautiful leaves. White clover has the advantages of improving soil and improving soil fertility; inhibiting the growth of weeds; regulating ground temperature, improving the growth environment of fruit trees; preventing water and soil loss; enhancing biological control capabilities, reducing the occurrence of diseases and pests; improving fruit tree yield and quality; combining fruit and animal husbandry to improve integrated economy Benefits, etc. White clover sowing white clover can be sown all year round, so the best sowing season in spring and autumn. Because the optimum growth temperature of white clover is 19°C—24°C, the spring sowing can be planted in the middle or late March, when the temperature is stable above 15°C. Sowing in autumn and winter generally starts in mid-August until mid-to-late September. The autumn sensation is good, and the weeds grow weakly, which is conducive to the growth of white clover, which is more suitable than spring sowing. White clover seedlings should be cleared of weeds and debris before sowing. After turning over, the cover should be shallow (1-2 cm). Usually the seeds are sprinkled on the surface with a light nail. The sowing volume per acre is 0.4-0.6 kg. During the seedling stage, the soil is kept moist, supplemented with a small amount of nitrogen fertilizer, and the weeds are promptly removed. After the turf is established, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are added, and the water is properly watered in the long-term drought. The main measures for white shamrock renewal are emasculation and overturning. White clover is the next plant, and the plant is low, usually about 30 centimeters. It can be castrated when the height is up to about 20 centimeters. At 5 cm to facilitate regeneration. It can be cut 2-4 times a year (the newly built grass is best not to cut in the first few months), the cut grass can be covered on the spot, and it can also be used as pasture grass feed. After each castration, you must add fertilizer. After grass has been aged for about 5 years, the grass has been aged and should be ploughed in time. After 1-2 years of leisure, it is reseeded. The period of deep turning is better for late autumn, and care must be taken to prevent damage to the roots of fruit trees. 5, hole storage fertilizer and water mulching technology hole storage fertilizer film cover technology is simple, investment is less effective, with fertilizer, water-saving features, generally 30% fertilizer can be, saving 70% -90%; in the soil The thin, no-irrigation conditions of hilly land use are especially significant. It is an important technique for drought and water conservation in arid orchards. The specific techniques are as follows: The crop straws or weeds are bundled into 15-25 cm in diameter and 30-35 cm in length. Grass, put in water or 5% -10% of urine soaked. Five centimeters deep and 50 centimeters deeper than the grass-grass in the edge of the canopy projection, with a diameter larger than the diameter of the grass stem (the hole is circular around the root of the tree), and the number of stocking holes is determined by the size of the crown. The diameter of the crown is 3.5. - 4 meters, digging 4 points; 6 meters in diameter, digging 6-8 points. Place the grass stem in the center of the hole, fill it with soil mixed with organic manure (about 5 kilograms of soil miscellaneous fertilizer per hole, add 150 grams of superphosphate, 50-100 grams of urea or compound fertilizer), and pour it in appropriate amounts. Water, and then organize the tree plate, so that the nutrition point is 1-2 cm below the ground to form a plate, watering 3-5 kg ​​/ hole can be covered; the old agricultural film cut flat, covered in the tree, and The nutrition points must be covered under the membrane, compacted around the ground and in the middle with soil, covering 1.5 to 2 square meters of membrane per hole, soil pressure on the edge of the plastic film, the center is wearing a hole in the upper end of the grass, blocking with stones or soil. Live so that you can top-dress water. Put a small hole on the mulch film above the center of the hole for later application of watering or rainwater, and press a small stone on the hole to evaporate moisture. Generally after the flowering (mid-mid-May), the new shoots stop growing (in mid-June) and 3 times after fruit picking. Each hole is topdressed with 50-100 grams of urea or compound fertilizer. The fertilizer is placed on the top of the grass, immediately afterwards. Watering about 3.5 kg; enter the rainy season, you can remove the film, so that the storage of rainwater within the hole; general storage can maintain 2-3 years, the grass should be changed once a year, found that the film should be replaced after the damage, set the storage again When changing points, gradually realize the improvement of the whole garden. 6. Water-saving irrigation technology The drip irrigation drip irrigation system includes control equipment (pumps, water meters, pressure gauges, filters, mixed fertilizer tanks, etc.), trunk pipes, branch pipes, capillary tubes and drippers. The water with certain pressure flows from the water source to the trunk and branch pipes after strict filtration, and the water is sent to the fruit trees. The capillary pipes around the tree plant are connected with the branch pipes. There are 4-6 drippers on the capillary tube. 2-4 liters/hour). Water continuously drip people's soil through the dripper, so that the soil in the root distribution layer of the fruit tree always maintains the most suitable humidity state. Drip irrigation is an economical, labor-saving and labor-saving irrigation method that is particularly suitable for arid mountainous regions and sandy areas that lack water. Application of drip irrigation than sprinkler irrigation 36% -50%, compared with flood irrigation 80% -92%. Because the water supply is uniform and long-lasting, the surrounding environment of the roots is stable, which is very beneficial to the growth and development of fruit trees, and generally the yield increases by more than 25%. In recent years, the quality of drippers is of utmost importance. Those with inferior quality are prone to clogging, and replacement and maintenance are difficult. In addition, individual orchard managers are accustomed to flooding irrigation, using drip irrigation to stay up all day and night, causing supersaturation of soil moisture and causing damage. Drip irrigation time should be focused on the concentration of moist roots. The interval between drip irrigation should be determined by the needs of fruit tree fertility. In general, there is no need to overdo it when there is no wilting. Sprinkler irrigation The entire sprinkler system includes the water source, the inlet pipe, the pump station, the water pipe, the standpipe, and the sprinkler head. When the application can adjust the pressure according to the texture of the soil, the degree of wetting, the size of the wind, etc., select nozzles and determine the intensity of sprinkler irrigation, so as to achieve the purpose of no leakage, runoff loss, without destroying the soil structure, and at the same time can evenly moisten the soil. Sprinkler irrigation saves water (water consumption is 1/4 of surface irrigation), protects soil structure, regulates orchard microclimate, cleans leaf surface, and can also reduce frost damage when frost is encountered; apple fruit ripening during spraying can promote coloration and sugar increase; Sprinkling irrigation in summer can reduce leaf temperature, temperature and soil temperature and prevent high temperature and sunburn damage. Sprinkler irrigation can be combined with spraying pesticides and liquid fertilizers, which is an ideal irrigation method. The advantages of the micro-spraying micro-spray irrigation and drip irrigation technology overcome the disadvantages of both. It is more water-saving than sprinkler irrigation, and it is more resistant to drip irrigation than water drip irrigation. The technical focus of the application of micro-sprinkler irrigation in the Linfen City Forestry Bureau of our province is to use two mountain springs to lay one main pipe, two trunk pipes, and four branch pipes. The branch pipe is connected to the capillary pipe and is arranged along the contour lines with the same pitch as the fruit trees. A WP-Z1.2 bidirectional refraction micro sprinkler was fixed under each tree, and a 4 mm-diameter plastic tube was connected to the capillary tube. The nozzle sprayed water was 62 liters/hour and the spray diameter was 2.9 meters, which was 43.4% higher than the normal irrigation area. Compared with flood irrigation, 70% of water can be saved in the whole year, and the investment is recovered by 260%. Buried cans method This method is a method of soil water-saving irrigation, adapted to drought-absent fruit gardens, the specific approach is: the results of the park buried 3-4 trees per tank, the tank is higher than the ground, spring irrigation water per tank 10 - 15 kilograms, cover the tank mouth with clods, apply urea 3-4 times a year, each time 100 grams per can. When the rainy season arrives, excessive water in the soil can leak from the outside into the tank, reducing soil moisture and creating a root system adapted to the microclimate. This method is simple and easy. With the tank method This principle is the same as sprinkler irrigation, the difference is limited to the canopy, the specific approach is: in the orchard to install the main branch and branch, the use of tape every 40-50 cm hole with small sprinkler, the length of the tube Orchard and branch head position decision. 7, the application of moisture absorption agent Moisture absorber is a kind of polypropylene, water absorption and water retention is extremely strong, its water absorption performance exceeds 1000 times its own weight, and has excellent water retention properties, in the dry environment, the surface can form a resistance film, prevent the film inside Moisture spillage and evaporation. If 100 grams are sprinkled within a square meter, the soil moisture can be increased by 800 times, the evaporation of soil moisture can be reduced by 75%, and water can be absorbed from the atmosphere. After a watering or raining, the water can be retained for a long time for fruit trees to absorb for a long time. Because it circulates in the water and the cycle of dehydration and shrinkage can also increase soil porosity, prevent soil compaction, and facilitate root growth and development. 8. Most of the water absorbed by the fruit tree is used for transpiration, and only a very small part is used for physiological metabolism of the tree. Therefore, under the premise of not affecting the physiological activity of the tree, by appropriately reducing the transpiration of water, it is possible to achieve economical water use and increase the water use efficiency of the tree. At present, the chemical control of water consumption has attracted more and more attention. An ideal drug that can improve the drought resistance of plants should not only promote the development of roots, but also shut down stomata to a certain extent and reduce transpiration, that is, it has the functions of “open source” and “throttling” at the same time. In recent years, it has been found that fulvic acid has such characteristics, the application of fulvic acid in fruit trees, the effective period of more than 18 days, significantly reduced transpiration (up to 59%) and increased water potential (0.2-0.4MMPa), and found that leaf temperature is not Obviously affected. Spraying in the early stages will significantly improve the body's moisture status.

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