Culture Technology

Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge. is a deciduous tree or a large shrub of the genus Xanthoceras sorbifolia. It can also be cultivated as a tall tree. Xanthoceras sorbifolia is a unique woody oil tree species unique to China. The seed oil content is 45% to 50%, and the kernel oil content is 70%. The oil is yellow and transparent, the food is delicious, and it has medicinal properties. The oil cake can be used as feed and fertilizer. The fruit of Xanthoceras sorbifolia is beautiful in shape, with beautiful flowers and leaves, large inflorescences, and dense flowers. The spring flowers are white and full of trees and they have beautiful green leaves. The flowering period lasts more than 20 days. It has high ornamental value and is an excellent greenery. Tree species, the greater the scale of production. 1 Ecological characteristics The Xanthoceras sorbifolia is naturally distributed in Shaanxi, Shanxi, Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Gansu and Henan, where Shaanxi, Shanxi, Hebei and Inner Mongolia are relatively concentrated. The roots of Xanthoceras sorbifolia are well developed, sprouting, and growing rapidly. Hi light, half shade resistant. It is highly adaptable to the soil, resistant to salt, salt and alkali, and can grow on abandoned land, sandy land, clay land, yellow soil, and rock bare ground. Strong cold resistance, in the lowest temperature of -41.4 °C Harbin can safely winter. Drought resistance is also very strong. There are also scattered trees in Ningxia where annual precipitation is only 148.2mm. Impatience, poor drainage of low-lying land, heavy saline-alkali land and unfixed sand dunes should not be planted. 2 Seed treatment The seed coat of X. sorbifolia is thick and oily, and it is difficult to absorb water. Therefore, sand burial stratification (sand ratio 3:1) is required before sowing. Before freezing, first soak the dry seeds with fresh water for 4 to 5 days (change the water once a day), then mix the wet sand (grip into hands and loosen the hands), and collect it in the outdoor pool for 120 days or more. Seed sowing when spring seeds are sprouting. After the autumn, the seed that has been buried in the sand can be sown with hot water at 80°C for 10 minutes before sowing, then soaked at a constant temperature for 48 hours, and the seeds are removed. The sand is mixed with 3 times of sand and placed in a constant temperature room at 26°C. After 5 days, 85 % of seed cracks can be sown. 3 Seeding in North China is generally planted in mid-April and northeast in early May. Seeding capacity is 15kg/667 square meters. The bed is open and on demand, and the plant spacing is 9cm15cm. Before sowing, sufficient water must be fed to ensure seedlings need water and reduce the number of watering seedlings to prevent root rot; 4. Seedlings of Xanthoceras sorbifolia at the seedling stage are afraid of waterlogging. When the seedlings are out of alignment, they should be treated with water and soil to avoid rot of the seedling roots. When the seedling height 10 ~ 15cm time seedlings, spacing 20cm. In the absence of seedlings, they can be transplanted on a cloudy day or evening with soil to make up the seedlings. The nursery is more fertile, and it is necessary to use less nitrogen and apply more phosphate fertilizer to avoid lengthening and lodging. According to the growth law of the root system of Xanthoceras sorbifolia, the topdressing should be as early as possible, at the latest no later than the first half of June. In early June, Mushi P and K fertilizer 3kg, plant ash 9kg; in mid-August, applied 5kg of phosphate fertilizer. In September, we must loosen the soil and weed, increase the temperature, and accelerate the growth of autumn. Fill the frozen water before frost, and watch out for the cold. The 2 years old fruit can reach a height of 1m or more and a diameter of 1cm or more. 5 Planting and Management 5.1 Planting Planting Planting in spring and autumn. Plants, spacing 3m3m, 74/667 square meters. In the flattened ground, dig 50cm holes in length, width, and depth, and apply 10 to 15kg of fertilizer. When starting the seedlings, avoid injury to the root system. When planting, the seedlings should be straightened and the root system should be stretched. When the seedlings are raised, they should be slightly lower than the pit surface, not too deep, and finally be practical, repair the water pan, and water it in time. In order to improve the survival rate, the plastic film can be covered on the tree tray after the water seeps, which can not only keep the water but also increase the ground temperature. 5.2 Field management 5.2.1 Timely removal of roots of Xanthoceras sorbifolia has strong germination power, which affects growth and development and crown shape; therefore, it is necessary to combine cultivators and weeds to eliminate worms at any time. 5.2.2 Pruning and fruiting of Xanthoceras sorbifolia can be flowered in 3 to 4 years. In order to facilitate the harvesting of fruit, we must adopt the short stem main branch-shaped pruning, control the trunk height of 50 ~ 60cm, retain the main branch 3 ~ 4, so that the main branch opening angle, distribution, the crown was semi-circular. 5.2.3 Strengthen the management of water and fertilizer before flowering and applying nitrogen fertilizer. Apply phosphorus and potash fertilizer during the fruit expansion period to preserve flowers and preserve fruits. In the shoot growth, flowering fruit set and fruit enlargement period, it should also be properly watered, can promote growth and development, obtain stable yield, high yield.

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